Spontaneous Speakers and Vigilant Listeners

Young children's language skills develop when they get lots of opportunities to listen to and speak with others. Children need to be encouraged to share information, ideas, and feelings with each other. Developing speaking and listening skills during early years is crucial for optimum overall development of children.

There are various ways through which early care givers can support and boost these skills in the children-

Using the child's interests to introduce new words and concepts.

Encouraging the child to use longer, more detailed sentences by adding to what they say in conversation.

Asking questions that encourage thinking and require more than a yes-or-no answer.

Using rich vocabulary—unusual or difficult words that are new to children.

Talking to them throughout the day can make them feel motivated to talk in return.

Story times can also help a preschooler develop a love of reading and books and eventually speaking.

Tell stories. Make up elaborate stories with characters, conflict, adventure, and a happy ending.

Young children love music and movement. When they listen to lively songs they learn about the world around them and the rhythm of language.

Criticizing the child's articulation or speech patterns should be avoided. Instead, we can repeat their statements back to them with the correct pronunciation or word usage, not forgetting to give the child lots of praise for their efforts.

A trip to the zoo, the aquarium, or a children's museum can open up a whole new world for the child. As an added bonus, they'll want to learn the names of all those fascinating creatures and fun activities they experienced.

Follow your child's lead. If your little one seems interested in a particular picture in a book, keep talking about it. Repeat their babbles back to them, ask questions, and interact with them.






Leadership is a quality that is nurtured and has its seeds sown in childhood”.

On the 11th September 2023,  our Student Council of Kanakia International Pre primary School  was invested with duties for the academic session 2023-24. To help the learners feel a sense of responsibility and keeping with the tradition of the institution, elected student - leaders were invested with the duties of office-bearers. It was a day imbued with a sense of pride, humility and leadership.

It was a solemn occasion for the institution. The ceremony began with an applause by our learners for the winners.  The elected Council Ministers were honored with a sash and trophy.

Every year on September 8th, all around the world, "International Literacy Day" is observed. "UNESCO" declared September 8th to be "International Literacy Day" on November 17, 1965. On September 8, 1967, the inaugural "International Literacy Day" was observed. This day is observed to raise awareness of the value of education throughout the world.

The main purpose of commemorating this day is to educate people from all walks of life and raise awareness about the value of education so that everyone is aware of it. The goal of commemorating this day is to encourage all children to attend school. In today's world, everyone needs to be educated to make a living. International Literacy Day is highly significant in raising awareness about the importance of education in our lives. 

Our Pre primary learner's were taken to the library to go through numerous collection of books and share a story.

Every movement needs a celebration to mark its progression, and the zero-waste movement is no different. However, with education and awareness among the core objectives of waste reduction, the internationally-acclaimed Zero Waste Week is much more than a moment to reflect on goals achieved—it is, in fact, an indispensable tool in the fight against waste and our existing “take, make, trash” oriented systems.

Here, we explore what this week long celebration of waste reduction is all about and what you can do to get involved.

Our learners were taught to switch off fans, lights and air-conditioners to save electricity, water and food. They were able to perform some actions to save our planet.  Learners also got to create best out of waste items from recycled paper and plastic to generate usable items from them. 

                   @NURSERY ENGAGEMENTS - ENGLISH 

The learners were identifying the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter with the help of flash cards and a pointer. 

Nursery learners were able to recognize the letter and the names of the picture and asked to match the letter to the picture in their workbooks. 

                                    LITERACY CIRCLE

Children had to draw a cat from the reader book "A fat Cat'.  

                                    MATH - FAR AND NEAR 

In math the concept Near and far was exercised  by learners  through role play with actual objects placed at a distance to  differentiate the vocabulary for far and near. 

 A worksheet was given for reinforcement to the learners to solve with the help of pictures.  


Learners had learnt about natural objects like  sun, stars, moon and rainbow. Man made object like furnitures, clothes  and transports. to make the lesson more engaging learners were sorting the objects by giving a reason. 


Learners were taught to make  the letters o and g with the help of straws,  play dough, chalk and board following a worksheet practice.


K 1 learners were taught during the creative corners tens and ones counters  to form the numeral 22  with the help of pebbles, felt pen drawings and worksheets.


Learners were having hands on activity drawing the flag for Independence day after learning about their country India.


K 2 learners were taught to place / spell the number names with the help of letter cards. 


In English K 2 learners were creating sounds phonetically with the long ''oo'  sound words with the help of flash cards. 


Children were drawing the parts of the plant guided by the facilitator. 


Students learnt about places around them.  in this worksheet they match activities related to the topic 'Circus'.