Program Overview

STEAM Instruction

Integrated & Interdisciplinary

The planning, teaching, and assessment of core courses and elective curricula are integrated with STEAM subjects.

Process & Interest Based

Students will use STEAM subjects and skills to address a variety of complex problems and essential questions. Students will respond to real-world problems presented to them by instructors and post-secondary/industry partners. As well, students will have the freedom to pursue their individual areas of interests. ​

Hands-On Learning

STEAM students will work hands-on with an always expanding set of tools, technologies, and processes such as:

robotics, microcontrollers, 3D printers, CAD, virtual reality, drones, music, biotechnologies, automation, IoT, rapid prototyping, creative light & sound, interactive artistic design, art & performance exhibitions, and more!

Multiple Graduation Pathways

STEAM education prepares students for a wide variety of careers and post-secondary opportunities, including university, college, trades/apprenticeship, workforce, and entrepreneurship. Students will have the opportunity to explore many possible STEAM related careers, and by grade 11 students will start to specialize their skills by choosing a STEAM Graduation Pathway.

Grade Themes

Grade 9: The Incubator

Students will explore a variety of technology to develop their innovation, engineering, artistic, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. Students will design, prototype, test, and present solutions to real-world challenges. ​

Grade 10: The Start-Up

Students utilize their own contexts and interests to recognize and identify problems to solve. Working collaboratively in entrepreneurial "Startups", students will propose, design, and "pitch" their innovations and designs. Students will be required to provide and respond to feedback regarding their designs in a public design exhibition.

Grade 11&12: Growth & Innovation

While specializing and pursuing their passions along a chosen STEAM pathway, students will be encouraged to "scale up" their designs and think more globally about STEAM solutions and careers. Students will examine global challenges and explore relationships between the technological, social, economic, environmental, and artistic aspects of society.