Library Online
I Belong Survey Link
Here is the link to the I Belong Survey. Ask a teacher for the password and school code. Go to survey:
In collaboration, classroom teachers and librarians have curated the following online resources for students at Martin Collegiate.
Username: Password: Same as your computer log in
Resources available ONLINE
ROVER: Recommended Online Video Education Resources, a video on demand streaming service for Saskatchewan teachers and students. Managed and maintained by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education.
Pearson Portal Saskatchewan: Access grades specific resources anytime, anywhere. Universal log in information: Username: rbe_student, passwod: Student99 (uppercase S).
English Language Arts
Pearson Portal - Live Ink
Grade 9 - Don’t Label Me, Heroes or Zeros, Out Loud, Get Real
Grade 10 - Live Lines, Looking for Me, Upload, What’s Your Problem
Novels available from the Virtual Libraries listed below.
Pearson Portal - Math Makes Sense 9 (Pearson/Kivuto - click on Step by Step guide on how to access)
Foundations of Mathematics 11
Foundations of Mathematics 12
Pearson Portal Pearson Science 9
Pearson/Kivuto - click on Step by Step guide on how to access
Investigating Science 9
Science 10 - Still looking.
Open Source Senior Level Science
Social Studies
Pearson Portal : Pathways: Civilisations Through Time 9
Aboriginal Peoples in Canada (pdf) (Native Studies 10)
Aboriginal Beliefs, Values and Aspirations (Native Studies 30)
University of Regina Aboriginal Education Resources
University of Saskatchwan iPortal: Indigenous Studies research tool
Four Directions Teachings: audio resources from five First Nations in Canada
Virtual Libraries:
Sora: Regina Public Schools eBook access. Use your student computer user name and password.
Regina Public Library: The branches are closed, but you can still access their online services. Such as these:
Overdrive/Libby: Thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks for all ages and interests, in multiple languages.
PressReader: Full issues of thousands of top newspapers and magazines from around the world.
RBDigital: Popular, full-colour magazines you can read anytime, anywhere, including new and backlist titles.
Kanopy: Movies, documentaries, classic films and kids’ television shows and movies.
Hoopla: Movies, documentaries and televisions shows for all ages.
Scribd: will let you read free for 30 days. Ebooks and audiobooks.
Project Gutenberg: is a library of over 60,000 free ebooks. (Mostly older world literature for which the copyright has expired.) Complimentary access to this educational streaming platform.