Library Online

I Belong Survey Link

Here is the link to the I Belong Survey.  Ask a teacher for the password and school code. Go to survey:  

In collaboration,  classroom teachers and librarians have curated the following online resources for students at Martin Collegiate. 

Username:  Password:  Same as your computer log in

Resources available ONLINE

ROVER: Recommended Online Video Education Resources, a video on demand streaming service for Saskatchewan teachers and students. Managed and maintained by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. 

Pearson Portal Saskatchewan:   Access grades specific resources anytime, anywhere.  Universal log in information: Username: rbe_student, passwod:  Student99 (uppercase S). 

English Language Arts

Pearson Portal - Live Ink 


Pearson Portal - Math Makes Sense 9 (Pearson/Kivuto - click on Step by Step guide on how to access)



Pearson Portal Pearson Science 9

Pearson/Kivuto - click on Step by Step guide on how to access


Open Stax 

Open Source Senior Level Science 

Social Studies

Pearson Portal : Pathways: Civilisations Through Time 9


University of Regina Aboriginal Education Resources

University of Saskatchwan iPortal: Indigenous Studies research tool

Four Directions Teachings: audio resources from five First Nations in Canada

Virtual Libraries: 

Sora: Regina Public Schools eBook access. Use your student computer user name and password.  

Regina Public Library: The branches are closed, but you can still access their online services. Such as these:



Scribd: will let you read free for 30 days.  Ebooks and audiobooks. 

Project Gutenberg: is a library of over 60,000 free ebooks. (Mostly older world literature for which the copyright has expired.) Complimentary access to this educational streaming platform.

Virtual Museums and Art Galleries

Virtual Museum of Canada