Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary School

Reading at Rawmarsh Sandhill

Thankyou to all the parents who have completed the recent survey around reading in school. The feedback is really helpful to our plans, and we hope to look at the areas where we can develop our reading offer in partnership with you. The survey will be left open until Easter, so please take a few minutes to complete it where you can. Thank you!

Parent's Evenings

Thankyou to all parents and carers who have organised parent's evenings times with class teachers.

Teachers will communicate with you around their arrangements for the meetings, including where they will be held, which entrance to use and where parents need to wait before their meeting begins. Thankyou.

Fs1 Spray art with POPs

This week, our FS1 children have been working with POPs outdoor education to develop some new art using spray paint cans! They look amazing and other year groups will be working with POPs in the Summer term where I am sure they will have lots of fun!

Scooters on the Yard

A reminder that children who use a scooter to get to school need to park it in one of the scooter park areas we have once they enter school. These are located near the entrance to the EYFS building and the entance to Upper Key Stage 2. Children should not be riding their scooters in the yard once they arrive. Thankyou for your support in ensuring our children and families are safe.

This week's attendance...(please click to find out!)

93% (We can do better than this - let's have a real push to Easter!)

Highest attendance: Miss Wright's Y1 class with 97%!

Dates for the Diary (updated weekly!)


Wednesday 2nd March: Coal Mining Trip Y3/4

Monday 7th March: World Book Day

Friday 18th March: Comic Relief / Active Citizenship Day

Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st March: Parents Evenings (for most classes)


Thursday 7th April 2022: 2:00-3:30pm Easter Fayre

Friday 29th April 2022: INSET Day


Monday 2nd May 2022: Bank Holiday

Thursday 5th May 2022: INSET Day


Friday 1st July 2022: INSET Day

Weds 20th July 2022: Last day of term
