Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary School

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the new school year! It has been brilliant to see the children return so settled and eager to learn in their new classes. It has also been fantastic to see so many children proudly wearing the colours and uniform of the school, so thankyou to all parents who have ensure this is the case on return. Smart and proper school uniform really helps the children to feel part of our culture and focus them in their learning. We have lots of exciting learning planned for this year, so please regularly check your class and school dojo pages - we will resume more regular social media posting now that the public period of mourning for Queen Elizabeth II has ended.


A reminder that we have our usual attendance tracking and pathways, in-line with our Trust and the local authority. As a result, please ensure that your child attends school regularly and on-time. We are committed to ensuring that children are able to maximise their learning time and continue to make progress from a difficult last few years.

We are currently in the process of launching an exciting new initiative to support and celebrate children who attend 100% every week, so watch this space for how you can be involved!

School council

We will shortly be resuming our school council, with members of each of our classes representing their friends and focussing on developing and improving school. Some of the areas we want to focus on are developing our reading materials, playtime opportunities and on the types of clubs the children would like to take part in. This year, some of our students will also represent us at the first ever Wickersley Partnership Trust council which will look at ways they can make a difference across our whole Trust.

SMSA Vacancy

We are currently advertising for Lunchtime supervisory assistants to join our team here at Sandhill. Many of our current members of support staff started their journeys with us through this role and we know there may be many parents who would like to support school, as well as starting a rewarding career, in this way. Please visit the Wickersley Partnership website for more information.


Last week's attendance (w/c 12th Sept)...(please click to find out!)

95.45% (Excvellent Start!)

Highest attendance: Miss Wright's class with 99.57%!

Please ensure your child is as punctual as possible in attending school, as key learning begins straight away and we do not want any child to miss out on this!

Dates for the Diary (updated regularly!)


Monday 26th-Weds 28th: Y5 Kingswood Residential


Monday 17th: Y6 Crucial Crew

Tuesday 18th: Class photos


Monday 7th: Nasal Flu vaccinations
