Inquiry Thinking

Kaitiakitanga - Eugene

Inquiry Monday 7th August


GOAL: to research information about the habits of families at Rāwhiti School that impact climate change.

Split into three groups. 

Each group is to choose one thing that impacts climate change in Otautahi:

Each group is to create a Google Form with 4 or 5 questions we can ask students and families about their daily habits at Rāwhiti School

Question starters you might use:

Share your form with Eugene


First, create a blog post with instructions on how to build a pest tracker. Use the images below.

GOAL: Predict what pests our school may have in it's gardens and research animals that we could encourage into our gardens

First, with a buddy, work together to read the below document A short guide to identifying footprints on tracking tunnel papers.

Complete the worksheet My Footprint Guide and glue this into your inquiry book.

Then, go to this link - OUR NEW BRIGHTON ECOLOGIES to learn about an animal we could encourage to live in our school garden.

Create a fact page about that animal for your blog.


Inquiry Thursday 3rd August



What did we learn during your VR Experience yesterday?

We learnt that the coasts around New Zealand Aotearoa have healthy and unhealthy waters.

Healthy waters have:

Unhealthy waters have:

How we can help marine environments:

Here are some links to the VR videos - Sting Rays

Inquiry Monday 21st July

Complete this form so we can create a site?

Copy and paste the link to this form.

Inquiry Monday 19th June

Climate Change and Us

Read Slides 1, 3, 5

Science Epxeriment Report Template

This week we will conduct two experiments and make pest tracking tunnels.

We also need to complete our field trip reflections.

Ocean Currents: Slide 22

Sea Level Rise: Slide 23

Pest Tracking: Slide 24

Possible Pest Locations

Inquiry Monday 12th June

LTA Field Trip Reflection

Last week we went on two field trips

Write a reflection about what you learnt from the two trips.

Dunes Report Week 8

Inquiry Tuesday 6th June

Find information about your selected topic. Insert the link to a site in the documents below.

Pest and Predators Student Gathered Information
Oceans and Climate Change Student Gathered Information

Inquiry/ Literacy Monday 29nd May to Friday 2nd June

Term 2 Tracking

This week's task:

We will also choose a direction for further Inquiry - What action can we take?

Inquiry/ Literacy Monday 22nd May to Friday 26th May

Eugene Kaitiakitanga of Our Oceans

Inquiry/ Literacy Monday 15th May to Friday 19th May

E What's the problem with plastics?

Inquiry/ Literacy Monday 8th May to Friday 12th May

Pests and Predators - E

Inquiry/ Literacy Monday 1st May to Friday 5th May

Arbor Day

Inquiry 19th June to 23th June