Movies @Rāwhiti 2022

In Term's 2 & 3 a number of students had the opportunity to create movies to showcase their inquiry learning.  They worked in groups to write scripts, create storyboards, film and edit their work.  Many students have shared their movies on their individual student blogs.

This is a selection of movies created by students at Rāwhiti School.

He Karoro Karoro - Heath.mp4

Ata Hāpara's Journey To The Production

By Heath

Angus, Jed, Rieko 1974 Commomwealth Games.mp4

The 1974 Commonwealth Games

By Angus , Jed and Rieko 

My animation.mp4

The QEII Earthquake

By Kelsi, Amrin & Malaya 

Travis wetland.mp4

The Travis Wetlands

By Noah S, Jake, Benji and Sonny

Daddy Jones Documentary.mp4

The Story of 'Daddy' Jones

By Luca, George and Niko

How Māori used tī kōuka 

By Levi

Mini Zoo

Mini Zoo Protest

by Nyah, Charlotte, Layla and Lexie

Travis Wetlands

by Reuben, Leon, Liam M