Late Work/Grading Policy

Grading scale: 

A+ = 97-100

A = 93-96

A- = 90-92

B+ = 87-89

B = 83-86

B- = 80-82

C+ = 77-79

C = 73-76

C- = 70-72

D+ = 67-69

D = 63-66

D- = 60-62

F = 0-59

Summative (50%) - Projects,  essays, presentations,  and tests

Formative (30%) - Small projects and presentations, and quizzes

Homework (15%) - In-class activities, daily reading

Habits of Work (HOW)  (5%) - Prepared and in class on time, uses respectful language and body language, keeps hands/desks/objects in the appropriate place, and listens and speaks at the appropriate time. 

Late work Policy: Any late work can receive up to an 80.  Prior arrangements for extenuating circumstances can be arranged beforehand. Nearly every assignment can be completed within class time.