Work Due

Current: N/A


Life Cycle Posters - Wed. 7th

Smelliness Test / Growth and Development - Fri. 9th

Swim for your life! Story - Wed. 14th

Black Out Poetry - Tues. 27th


Eggs arrived on February 29th, leap day! 

They arrived at 44ºF and needed to be brought down to 35ºF to meet the temperature of the tank. 

Exemplar Life Cycle Posters 

Exemplar Black Out Poetry Books

Our tank set up! 

Started with 200 eggs!


1 egg - Monday March 4th

Total in the Tank: 199

3 eggs - Wednesday March 13th

Total in the Tank: 196

2 eggs - Monday March 25th

Total in the Tank: 194

1 egg - Friday April 5th

Total in the Tank: 193

1 unhatched egg, 1 alevin - Monday 22nd

Total in the Tank: 191


We had all our alevin after April Break! Among our fish friends is a two headed fish. You did not read that wrong, we have another two headed fish! Let's see how well it does!

We've started taking off styrofoam and we'll be releasing the fry on May 29th.

Our Release Day! 

We released 191 Atlantic Salmon Fry into the Sandy River on May 29th, exactly 4 months from receiving the eyed eggs! It was a beautiful sunny day, our release temp was 60º and our tank at been at 56º. 
