A nonpartisan initiative designed to boost voter participation and foster civil discourse at Randolph College
Below is our step-by-step guide to eligibility, registration, and voting.
Voting Eligibility
Are you a U.S. citizen?
Yes – Continue to the next question.
No – You are not eligible to vote.
Will you be 18 years old by November 5, 2024?
Yes – Continue to the next question.
No – You are not eligible to vote.
Voting Eligibility in Virginia
Do you live in either a Randolph dorm or apartment?
Yes – Congrats! You are a “resident” of Lynchburg AND Virginia and can register and vote here. Continue to the next question and mark it as “Yes.”
No – The address where you live and commute from is your residence address. Continue to the next question.
Are you a resident of Virginia?
Yes – Continue to the next question.
No – Are you sure? Please see the previous question. If you live on campus or commute to campus from somewhere in Virginia, then you should mark "yes." If you live off campus in another state, you are not eligible to vote in Virginia.
Have you been declared incapacitated by a court of law?
No – Continue to the next question.
Yes – You are not eligible to vote in VA.
Have you been convicted of a felony?
No – Continue to the next question.
Yes, but my right to vote has been restored – Continue to the next question.
Yes, and my right to vote has not been restored – You are not eligible to vote in VA.
Are you registered to vote in another state?
No – Continue to the next question.
Yes, but I will switch my registration to Virginia – Continue to the next question.
Yes, and I will vote there – You are not eligible to vote in VA.
Have you registered more than 22 days in advance of the election (Oct 15, 2024)?
Yes – You can vote early in-person, by mail, or on election day!
No, but I will register before the deadline – Register today!
No, and it's past the deadline – You may register in person through Election Day and vote using a provisional ballot!
Do you need to check your registration status or register to vote?
Have you heard about registration stations on campus?
Yes – You can find them in Main Hall, Lipscomb Library, and the Maier Museum.
No – Now you know! Continue to the next question.
Do you have a VA license?
Yes – you can register online here!
No – If you plan to vote in VA, you will need to register at the local registrar’s office OR mail in a registration form. There are forms and pre-stamped and addressed envelopes at the registration station in Main and the Library.
Do you live on campus?
Yes – Use 2500 Rivermont Ave as your residential address. Then, add your Box # in the slot for "Apartments." EXAMPLE FORM HERE
No – Continue to the next question.
Do you live in the apartments across the street from campus?
Yes – Use 2715 Rivermont Ave as your residential address and check the box for a mailing address. For the mailing address, use 2500 Rivermont Ave and your Box #.
No – Continue to the next question.
If you register in Lynchburg because you moved here for school, can you switch if you move after graduation?
Yes – you must change your residential address when you move. You can only have residency in one place at a time.
Are you confused or have additional questions?
Yes – Email or call Gerry Sherayko at 434-947-8381 or visit Lipscomb Library for assistance.
You have three ways to vote: Early In-Person, By Mail, or on Election Day.
Vote Early In-Person
Are you registered to vote in Lynchburg?
Do you want to sign up for our early voting shuttles to 825 Kemper St?
Yes – Sign up here
No – Continue to the next question.
Is your Randolph College Student ID an acceptable form of ID?
Yes! Bring it with you to the polls. See other forms of acceptable IDs in VA here
Vote by mail
Do you want to vote by mail?
Do you know the deadlines for voting by mail in VA?
Yes – You must request your ballot by Oct 25 by 5pm, and your ballot must be postmarked on or before Nov 5 and received by noon on Friday Nov 8.
No – But I do now!
Vote on Election Day
Are you registered in Virginia?
Is your Randolph College Student ID an acceptable form of ID?
Yes! Bring it with you to the polls. See other forms of acceptable IDs in VA here