Virtual Calming Room

In a world of busy and hurry, of struggle and strain, may you find the resources here of support and comfort as you deal with the normal, but sometimes troublesome feelings of life.  Your SWRHS Student Services Department wants you to know that your feelings are valid, no matter what they may be! Also remember we care about you! 

You might feel scared, confused, overwhelmed, angry, alone, grateful, or completely calm.  You might feel many things throughout the days or all at once, like being upset that an event was cancelled, but happy that you can wear pajamas all day.

Your feelings are normal, but sometimes they don't feel that way.

Don't forget to breathe.

This Virtual Calming Room is a place for students, families and staff to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings and building our resilience during difficult times.

We are here to support you!


*also remember that you can always text #988 any time day or night to talk with someone about anything! Use your resources and reach out if you need help! 

Disclaimer: The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional.