I'm Registered. Now What?

1. Pick up your RCC schedule from your career coach.

2. Watch the CCP Orientation Video and follow directions


Follow these steps below:

      • Use this flyer to find your username and password. Please write it down as you will need it for all RCC accounts.
      • Enroll in "Reset Your Password." The, click on "Enroll/Update Account." Here, you will use your same username and password. Your password expires every 45 days. If you ever get locked out of your account, you can unlock your account here and get back in it. If you just want to change your password because you are worried about security issues, you can do that here once you have enrolled.
      • Set up your RCC email. Go back to MyRCC, click RCC Email. You are going to choose “Use Another Account." And then put in your email. Your email, as a student, is your username@students.randolph.edu. Then, click "next" and put in your password. If you changed your password earlier, make sure you use that password. If not, use your default password. Once you log in, your emails will be under the app called "Outlook." Additionally, you have access to OneDrive to store your files and free access Microsoft Office products here. Feel free to use these as often as you’d like to complete class work.
      • Your online classes go through Moodle. To find Moodle go back to “My RCC” and click on “Moodle.” Again, you will use the same username and password here as you do for everything else. Keep in mind that even if you don’t have an online class. Moodle access is helpful to keep up with your grades. Make sure that you log in to Moodle on the day your classes begin to complete your Syllabus Quiz. You must complete your Syllabus Quiz to be counted present for class and to unlock your other assignments. Keep in mind that your classes will not appear in Moodle until the start date of your class and everyone is signed up for Research 101.
      • RCC Alerts. Go back to the MyRCC tab and click on RCCAlert. You will use your same username and password here. Once you’ve logged in, you will need to enter some personal information in order to receive notifications of school closings and delays. Don’t forget to enter a phone number or email that you actually use. Otherwise, you won’t see the alerts.
      • Pick up Parking Permit and ID. For On Campus Classes Only: Stop by the Ann Hoover Welcome Center on campus to pick up your parking permit and RCC ID. *Please bring a form of identification with you.
      • Mark your textbook distribution date on your calendar along with the date classes begin.

3. Listen for details about picking up textbooks.