Smith News

October 1, 2021

Achieving Excellence One Student at a Time

A Message from Our Principal

It has certainly been an exciting and smooth start to what promises to be a fantastic school year. It is hard to believe that the first month of school is over. Time does fly by when you are having fun and engaged in school. Our students have adjusted to their new schedules, have established routines and are looking forward to an awesome school year.

Communication is essential and we strive to connect to our students, parents and families, and community each and every day. We will continue to update our school community with necessary information via email, website/social media postings, and phone messages. We also encourage you to visit our website and follow our social pages for announcements, information, and celebrations.

We wish to invite our entire Smith School community to the Open House at Smith on Thursday, October 7, 2021, from 6:30 - 9:00 PM. Please stop in to see all of the renovations that have taken place which gives our Smith students a great place to learn.

As always, we wish to say thank you to our community. Smith continues to be an amazing school thanks to the support of the greater Ramsey community.

Have a safe, healthy, and happy fall season!

How can we support the development of these skills?

  • Show students strategies on how to manage their time and plan ahead. To-do lists, calendars, and checklists are tools that are useful in supporting this skill.

  • Develop organizational routines that help students form productive habits. These routines might include tasks like checking Schoology for work and assignments, and setting aside time to do homework each night.

  • Establish short-term and long-term goals, and make plans to achieve them. Making plans with concrete steps for achieving goals helps students create pathways for success.

  • Encourage students to reflect on their process and progress using metacognitive questions. These questions might include: Do I have a plan for succeeding at this? What was confusing about this task? What can I do better next time? Research shows that metacognitive strategies lead to better planning, preparation, and performance.

  • Manage stress levels. Stress can impair executive functioning, so helping students recognize stress, and then identify ways to reduce stress is beneficial. Outlets like playing outside, participating in physical activities, or focusing their minds on something enjoyable are some options that help with stress management.

Teaching strategies to build executive functioning skills, helps students to be more self-directed and independent. Students need our continued teaching and support, both at home & at school, as they grow in order to be as successful as possible in their future endeavors

From The Desk of the Instructional Coaches

Carolyn Chackmakjian, ELA Instructional Coach

Starting the Year with Success

The halls are abuzz, and school is newly in session. Students are quickly adjusting to new schedules, new structures, and new routines. With many different classes and teachers throughout a typical middle school day, and lockers being added to the mix, there is much to adapt to and learn.

What is Executive Functioning and Why Does it Matter?

With all of these moving pieces, it is continually important for students to develop their executive functioning skills in order to be successful. Executive function refers to skills that help us focus, plan, prioritize, work toward goals, self-regulate behaviors and emotions, adapt to new and unexpected situations, and ultimately engage in abstract thinking and planning.

“Just as a conductor would do for an orchestra, executive functions supervise and coordinate a multitude of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional tasks.” (Edutopia) But these skills are challenging for kids, because we are not born with these skills---they are learned and developed over time and are not fully developed until the early years of adulthood.

Children need help and support developing these skills, which guide students to be more thoughtful and independent in their everyday lives--and ultimately more successful.

Staff Spotlight - Coordinator of Student Affairs

Ms. Courtney Donohue

Hello Smith School Community! My name is Mrs. Courtney Donohue (formally Ms. Courtney Dillon), and I am Smith School’s first ever Coordinator of Student Affairs!

In this position, I will be overseeing student activities, discipline, HIB investigations, safety, and anything student related. Currently, this means working hard to get to know each individual student at Smith.

Prior to accepting this position, I was a special education teacher, here at Smith, for the last ten years. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my husband, Russ, and my 6 year old Goldendoodle, Cooper!

Here at Smith, we strive to enhance the student experience one fun event at a time. I look forward to working closely with Mr. Herre and Mrs. Davis, as well as the community, to ensure each student has a successful middle school experience. I could not be more excited to take on this position!

Mrs. Donohue with her husband at their July 9th wedding!

8th Grade October Highlight

Our 8th grade students are ready for another fantastic year here at Smith School! The 8th grade class is getting back into the swing, having their first full-day, full-week, in person instruction at Smith School since March of their 6th grade year. The class of 2022 is leading the way for our school with their resilience and positive attitude.

For their opening ELA unit, 8th grade students are engaging in Dystopian literature, looking at the genre's specific tropes and mechanics, and critically analyzing both classic and contemporary examples. This last week, the classes visited the library media center and engaged in a lesson led by Ms. Kelly concerning the topic of Censorship and how that plays out & affects the Dystopian genre.

Students participated in group activities and brainstorming, viewed an example from The Hunger Games trilogy, and discussed real-world connections in regards to ALA's "Banned Books Week" the week of September 27th. (Photos to the left and below)

The 8th grade is kicking off our largest annual fundraiser and we are counting on your support! This is our first time running this program 100% online and need your help to make it a huge success!

WHY: To help fund our programs and school functions.

GOAL: For our students to participate and sell 10 items.

Helping us reach our goal is Fun and EASY. We have partnered with Gifts 'N Things to make it happen! With over 100's of gift ideas, including gift wrap, gourmet kitchen essentials, tasty food items & more.

Shop Online and Share with Family and Friends: Email, Text & Post to Social Media!


Visit: or

Text: Register to 636-202-1400

School ID: 852313

Student ID: Enter the last 7 digits of your phone number.

(If you are registering more than one student, just change the last number of your phone number to create a second Student ID)

The more email invites you send, the more supporters we will get! So, break out your email contact list, share on social media, and help spread the word! Register above to be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a Kindle Fire Tablet! Share with Family, Friends & Co-Workers

Questions about registration? Call Gifts 'N Things at 800-468-7511

"Fall"ing In love With Learning

Smith Volleyball has bounced its way back onto the court! Students began their practices for their first game of the season, which was ultimately a win against Riverdell! Congratulations to all! (Right)

2021's Back To School Night at Smith School was a huge success! Families of our students were welcomed into our building to get a firsthand look at our new facilities, meet the faculty that makes our school shine, and all-in-all experience a day in the life of a middle school student! (Above, Bottom Left). Big thanks to our Student Ambassadors for all of their help (Top Left) and to our staff on a whole for making the night such a success.

Smith students and staff get back into swing of school, with Ms. Kubasta's classes engaging with one another on ratios & factoring (Top Left), Ms. Csengto conducts "First Chapter Fridays" and invites students to share their next great reads (Left), and Ms. Kelly introduces new 6th grade students to the library media center and gives them an opportunity to explore the resources available (Above).

6th Grade French students get to know one another as they practice their meeting & greeting skills en Français! (Below)

Ms. Militello takes the opportunity on Wellness Wednesday to encourage students to be kind to their mind, leading a Mindfulness exercise and lesson meant to help students identify different emotions and brainstorm productive coping skills (Above, Left)

7th grade students spent their first Wellness period of the year on a challenge designed to encourage teamwork, healthy competition, and physical exercitation! (Above, Below, Right)

Health Information from Our Smith School Nurse

If you have specific questions, contact Laura Spiegelman

Phone: 201-785-2314


  • CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine as the first and most important step in protecting against flu viruses. Getting a flu vaccine during 2021-2022 will be more important than ever.

  • Flu vaccines will not prevent COVID-19, but they will reduce the burden of flu illnesses, and help reduce the strain on healthcare systems responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information please visit

Let's Stay Safe At School!

Visit the link below for PCR Covid 19 Testing appointment registration being held at the Old Board of Ed Office

An overview of the Ramsey School District's Health Services policies can be found at

Ramsey School District COVID-19 RESOURCES & FAQ's:

**Reminder Parents/Guardians: report your child's confirmed or suspected COVID case to the Smith School's health office (201-785-2314) to allow for reporting to local health officials and to perform contact tracing procedures.**

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Consider supporting the cause!:

Halloween Costume Drive

8th Grade student, Dylan Hunt, is collecting gently used Halloween costumes in conjunction with Jersey Cares for New Jersey residents in need.

Dylan has been involved with collecting for the organization since he was a student at Hubbard School. In his first year of collection, Dylan's efforts helped to outfit an entire elementary school of students here in New Jersey. Over the years, the Hunt family has been successful in collecting about 175 costumes every year!

Dylan is asking for gently used Halloween costume donations to be dropped off by October 15th. Costumes can be dropped off in designated school donation boxes, or to 31 Snyder Ave, Ramsey, NJ.

This will be a district-wide effort to support our student in his charity efforts for fellow New Jersey residents.

See the flyer to the left for further details and consider donating if you can!

Week of Respect 2021

Next week, Smith Middle School, along with all NJ public schools, will be observing the Week of Respect. The Week of Respect is dedicated to reminding students and staff of the principles of respect, tolerance, inclusion, and acceptance.

To show our support and unity for the week of respect, Smith School has planned a week of “Color Days”. Based on the pillars of character, every day will be a designated color, and students and staff are encouraged to wear the designated color for that day. Please see the flyer for the color days. Daily announcements and reminders will be sent out to encourage students and staff to wear the daily color, as well as to explain a little more about each pillar.

We have a community here at Smith where students & staff are expected to be respectful to each other. As Jackie Robinson once said, “I’m not concerned with you liking or disliking me…All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.”

As a Smith School Community, we look forward to celebrating the Week of Respect 2021 October 4th-October 8th!

Scholastic Book Fair, 2021!

The Scholastic book fair is back at Smith School!

We’re excited to invite you to our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair. Hosted by our staff & PTO, this event is an opportunity for our students to build their home libraries and further their love of reading. As always, all purchases benefit our school.

After missing out on many beloved traditions, our fall Book Fair will be a familiar, welcome, and safe event for our students. Here’s what you need to know about the Fair, which will take place from OCTOBER 4th-OCTOBER 8th in the Smith Library Media Center!

• Our Book Fair offers a cash-free payment option called eWallet. It’s a convenient digital account that your child can use for shopping at our Fair. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute, too!

• If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop online at our school’s Virtual Book Fair. The online store is open October 4th until October 12th. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school. Click HERE to visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping.

Interested in volunteering to assist in running the book fair? Click HERE to signup with our PTO!

We’re excited to celebrate our love of books together at the Book Fair. We look forward to seeing your child there!

Happy reading :)

Supporting Teens in Reducing Their Stress (And Ours)

Where: Ramsey High School Auditorium

When: October 6th at 7:30 PM


In this interactive and entertaining program, participants will gain a better understanding of:

  • adolescent brain development and compassion

  • how to communicate with teens more effectively around sensitive issues

  • how screen time, sleep deprivation, and substance use can impact mental health

  • the science behind healthy coping mechanisms, such as positive social support, meditation, exercise, and other "natural highs"

Parent Book Club

Parent Book Club is a group where interested parents and guardians of Smith students are invited to join the library media specialist once a month to read and discuss popular, young adult literature in the Smith School Media Center. This is the 24th year that the Smith library media center has invited parents to participate in our book club, and we are excited to welcome parents back into our building for meetings this year.

Each month, our library media specialist will be choosing three Young Adult books all sharing one common theme; you may choose to read all three or pick from this list the ones that interest you most. Meetings will occur on a bi-monthly basis and all 3 books will be discussed. Our meetings will be held in the library media center in the morning, there will be snacks and beverages provided. You are welcome to participate as much as you would like and are able to, there is no requirement to join in every meeting or to read all of the book options.

The theme for our opening meeting, in honor of September being "Read A New Book Month", will be Books Published in 2020-2021. All 3 selections are novels that were published in either 2020 or 2021.

Our first meeting will be October 13th in the Smith library at 9:15 AM and will last about one hour. The books and descriptions can be found by clicking here for the Smith Library Media site.

If you are interested and have not already signed up, please complete this form, print, & have your student submit it to the library media center, OR you can complete the form and email it directly to our library media specialist, Ms. Kelly.

2021 Standardized Testing Schedule

This is information about any state assessments such as the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) and other commercially-developed standardized assessments that might be administered during the 2021-2022 school year. The schedule below includes state standardized tests that apply only to Smith School (students grade 6-8), please check your email for a notification from the district for a full schedule of all grade level assessments. If a student is permitted extra time or any other accommodations by their IEP or 504, parent/guardians should contact their case manager or guidance office for additional details on accommodations and accessibility options. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your child’s principal.

Start Strong- ELA and Mathematics (Grades 4-8) October 11th-15th

Start Strong - Science (Grade 6) October 11th-15th

NJSLA - ELA and Mathematics (Grades 6-9) May 2nd-6th

NJSLA - Science (Grade 8)- May 12th-13th

ACCESS Test - ESL (K-12 Students in ELL Program) February-April

Smith School Supply List 2021-2022

View the 2021-2022 Supply List

Supply Lists for the 2021-2022 school year are now posted. Please remember that all personal belongings should be labeled, such as pencil cases, binders, and backpacks.

Chromebook Insurance

Chromebook Insurance is Due Now....Register

FamilyID is now open to parents to agree to policies and pay for insurance for the new academic year. Please click on the headline for more information, including instructions for payment and account information.

Smith Staff Directory

Upcoming Dates

Week of Respect (October 4th- 8th)

Scholastic Book Fair (October 4th- 8th)

Picture Day Makeups (October 5th)

Parent Academy (October 6th)

Fun Friday 8th Grade (October 8th)

Parent Book Club (October 13th)

Fun Friday 7th Grade (October 15th)

School Violence Awareness Week (October 18th-22nd)

Fun Friday 6th Grade (October 22nd)

8th Grade Student Visit to RHS (October 25th-26th)

Board of Education Meeting (October 26th)

Click Here for Smith School Calendar of Events