Hour of Code

Each December, students around the globe participate in an Hour of Code! Computer Science and programming touches almost every aspect of our lives. During the Hour of Code, students are challenged to become computer scientists and experience the thrill of programming.

To encourage students to continue this worthwhile exploration, they can visit Code.org and access many different games that improve their reasoning and problem solving skills. During library class, students were exposed to Angry Birds, Dance Party, and Ocean Artificial Intelligence games. Some third graders even explored others on their choice day during remote learning! Each game has multiple lessons, each lesson building on the skills acquired from the prior lesson.

My hope is that students will continue this activity at home. It can be easily accessed on my Schoology page in the CODE folder. Even though our "Month of Code" is over, these resources will be here all the time for the students! Click on the image below to access the full range of Hour of Code games.