Parent Resources

Fourth and Fifth Grade represents an increase in students' academic responsibility, independence, and social growth. It is a wonderful time of child development that can be accompanied by challenges, social navigation, and exciting new opportunities. Families face choices about technology, independence and responsibility that can sometimes feel daunting. Please use these resources as you see fit as you journey through this exciting stage of child development.

General Child Development

What should be going on with my 9 to 11 year old child?

The Middle Years (ages 9-11) CDC- This informative website from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers a brief overview of child development and some specific parenting ideas.

Milestones of Fourth and Fifth Graders- published this summary of milestones on 4th and 5th graders. There are links to many other useful pages on this site.

HealthyChildren.Org- This website from the American Pediatric Association outlines different stages of development and offers parents suggestions and advice for handling a variety of situations. This Australian parenting website lists a ton of resources and information specific to children ages 9-11 years old.

**Looking for more parenting websites?- Check out this article for additional resources.


Should I get one for my child? Are they ready for the responsibility? What comes along with a cell phone?

What's the right age for parents to get their kids a cell phone?- Commonsense Media contains an impressive amount of resources for family about all forms of media. This article gives parents reflective questions to help them determine if their child is ready for a cell phone.

When should you get your kid a phone? - Child Mind Institute offers parents a look at decision making when getting a child a cell phone and advocates for limits to be placed on cell phone use from the outset.

Bill Gates Says This Is The Safest Age To Give Kids A Cellphone- This article at offers some insight into the pros and cons of cell phone ownership.

**One of the most important things to remember as a parent of a child who has a cell phone is that you (the parent) pays the bill. You have the ability and RIGHT to take away the cell phone at any time!

We Have a Cell Phone...Now What?

You have decided to buy your child a cell phone. Are you ready for texting, Snap Chat, Instagram, House Party....? Is your child?

Safe Space or Police State: How Far Should You Go in Monitoring Your Kids Online?- This Wall Street Journal article offers a great balanced perspective and resources to help parents monitor their child's online activity.

Rules of Texting & Cell Phone Etiquette for your Tweens- This article on Verywell discusses general rules to be discussed with children when beginning communication through cell phone.

Ten Kid Friendly Rules For Texting With Respect and Dignity- Psychology Today posted this article which uses kid friendly language of discussion points for appropriate texting.

Parent's Ultimate Guide to Parental Controls- Great Common Sense Media article with lots of links to specific resources for parental controls.

Parents' Ultimate Guide to Snapchat- Common Sense Media article with the ins and outs of Snapchat.*

Parents' Ultimate Guide to Instagram- Common Sense Media article all about Instagram.*

Parents' Ultimate Guide to Tik Tok- Common Sense Media article about Tik Tok.*

Parents' Ultimate Guide to You-Tube- Common Sense Media article about You-Tube use.

Parents' Ultimate Guide to Fortnight- Common Sense Media article about Fortnight.

**Instagram, Tik Tok, and Snapchat require their users to be 13 years old. Parents should consider this in the context of the content their child can possibly be exposed to when using the apps before turning 13 years old.


How to start off technology use right... avoid addiction!

Addiction to Technology is Ruining Lives- This is a great video about technology addiction.

Technology Addiction Concern, Controversy, and Finding Balance- This Common Sense Media Research Brief outlines technology addiction implications and offers support to families dealing with this challenge.


What is my child ready for? Should they walk into town? Should they go to the library?

When can kids walk alone to and from school?- This thoughtful article from offers suggestions and some interesting resources in the links embedded in the article.

Dr. Dinning's April Article on Independence- I wrote this in April 2019. Parents may find it helpful in determining if their child is ready to walk alone or with groups after school.

My Favorite Parenting People/Blogs

These websites represent the blogs/websites/experts I use to check in on my own parenting skills. Their websites offer a wide range and variety of resources. Under the section titled "Parents Need to Know" you will find an enormous amount of articles pertaining to all forms of media used by families every day.

Dr. Michele Borba- Dr. Borba's blog contains numerous articles on varied parenting topics. They are short, specific, and actionable.

John Rosemond: Parenting With Love and Leadership- This author published books and newspaper columns in addition to working directly with families. On the website under "Columns" you will find his recent articles.

RULER- This program created and sponsored by Yale University is the Social Emotional Learning Program used in Ramsey Schools. It focuses on teaching children about emotional intelligence and regulation. Check out the website for more information.