
Work Hard And Be KINDER Than Is Necessary!

September 2022

2022-2023 Theme:

"Building ourselves and lifting others!"

Dear Dater Families,

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year, and what a year it will be! We are looking forward to so many great events, including the school play, field trips, and field day, just to name a few. Thank Mr. Dobbs and his custodial staff for making Dater shine. Dater hosted many summer programs, but it is sparkling clean and ready to open its doors for a new school year!

This school year's theme is "Building ourselves and lifting others!" This school year, I will challenge you to think about how each moment spent in Dater is a chance to build yourself and lift others.

Students: As we begin our new school year, remember that Dater is a place of great possibilities. Each teacher and adult in this building cares about you and wants to help you be successful! If you ever feel like you need something that might make you more successful, just ask, and we will do our best to provide you with what you need!

Parents: At Dater School, we look forward to your continued support and partnership as we work together to support the learning and growth of our learners.

Happy 2022-2023 School Year!

Ms. Rejent

Changes to School Lunches

There will NOT be Free Lunch for all students this year. We are back to free and reduced for those qualifying only. K-5 will have limited lunch options (hot/cold/vegetarian) similar to last year to help with process, waste, and supply issues.

Changes to Chromebook Insurance

Each 5th Grade Dater Student needs to have insurance for the Chromebook they will be issued at the start of the 2022-2023 school year. Please log onto PaySchools (what is used for school lunches) to purchase the insurance.

Each 4th Grade Dater Student will receive a Chromebook, but that Chromebook will stay in the classroom overnight!

4th Grade Field Trips

The 4th graders will be attending field trips starting at the end of September. Be on the lookout for more information and permission slips soon!

Meet & Greet with the Principal & the PTO

I am delighted to invite the Dater School community to a Meet and Greet on the Dater School playground on September 6, 2022, from 3:30-4:30. You will be able to meet me, join the PTO, and enjoy an ice pop! The Dater School building will be closed, but bathrooms will be available.

Picture Day is September 16th

Remember to bring your smiles!!!

Rain Date: September 23rd


We are pleased to welcome Security Officer Macfie to Dater School. He will circulate through the school regularly, inside and outside, support the management of guests and visitors and help to facilitate drills while being a friendly face for our students.

Dater Motto

The Dater School Motto, Work Hard and Be Kinder Than Is Necessary, comes from the book Wonder by R. J. Palacio. If you haven't had an opportunity to read this book with your family, I encourage you to do so. Reading is the key to success!

Dater PTO

Please sign up for the Dater PTO website (free of charge) to get information about PTO Events and Dater School Extracurricular Activities and Clubs. This will be where you register your child for extracurricular activities this year! The Dater PTO does an excellent job of offering wonderful opportunities for our students that enhance the learning experience. Please join the PTO and fully participate in the Dater Family!

Profile of a Graduate

Click here to see The Ramsey School District Profile of a Graduate which symbolizes our beliefs about learning and student outcomes from a K-12 perspective. All 5th Grade Students will participate in a Profile Project: The Dater TED Talk. This will be an exciting, fun learning experience for them. Click here to see past Dater TED Talks.

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship will be very prominent at Dater School. Developmentally, 4th and 5th-grade students begin to have increased responsibility and independence in many areas including technology use. We are going to work together as school, family, and community partners to learn how we can best support our children through this process.


Social Emotional Learning is key for Dater Students. Through RULER, students learn to identify and act on emotions appropriately, self regulate, and apply conflict resolution skills. Click here to learn more about RULER.

Digital Backpack

You can easily find the information about flyers and school events by click on the Digital Backpack link HERE throughout the school year.


All student report to the playground before school. Students are welcome on the playground at 8:15am!

8:35 Student Entrance

(from playground)

8:40 Late Bell

2:45 Dismissal

Inclement weather? Beginning at 8:15am 4th Grade reports to the gym. 5th Grade reports to the cafeteria

Dater School Student Entrance

Students are welcome at Dater School beginning at 8:15 each day. They report to their class lineup lines on the playground. All students enter the school from the playground at 8:35.

You can choose to use the drop-off/pick-up lane on School St. or drop off in the front of the school. When students are dropped off in front, they walk to the playground around the outside of the building.

The drop-off /pick-up lanes (School St. or front of school) do not allow for parked cars. If you need to park your car, please park in the lot and CAREFULLY cross over to enter Dater School.


4th Grade Classes will exit Dater School through the front doors of the school each day.

5th Grade Classes will exit Dater School through the playground doors each day.

Please make a plan with your child and discuss the plan so he/she/they know how to get home.

Choices for dismissal include:

1. Student will walk or ride bike from school to a guardian determined meeting spot.

2. Student will walk or ride bike from school to home. 3. Student will wait on playground to be picked up by guardian in the pick up lane. (Supervision provided.)

4. Student will wait at front of school to be picked up by guardian. (Supervision provided.)

5. Student will take the bus.

6. Student will attend RED (Aftercare). Please confirm your RED days with the Community School.


To ensure student safety at dismissal, the Dater Parking Lot is closed at 2:30 each day.

Dismissal is at 2:45.

If you plan to park your car in the lot and meet your child in the front of the school, please plan to be in the lot by 2:30. As an alternative, you could park along the side streets of Dater and have your child walk to meet you. In addition, the pick up lane on School St. is available. The front parking lot is not a pick up lane at dismissal. You must park your car in a spot to meet your child.

Students are encouraged to stay on the sidewalks when exiting out of the front of the building.

Dater Parent/Student Handbook

Please review the 2022-2023 Parent/Student Handbook with your child(ren).


From the Main Office:

Dater Details- Newsletter goes out monthly

Notifications- Emails sent regularly

Social Media Updates- Sign Up for Twitter/Facebook, Dater PTO Facebook

Email/Phone- You are welcome to email and call the Main Office

Website- Check the Dater School website for dates, information, flyers

From Teachers:

Email- Teachers check email between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00 but not while teaching. Expect a 24 response time. Call with emergencies!

Phone Call- Call the Dater Main Office to leave a message for a teacher to contact you.

Conferences- Held Nov. 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2022, and can be arranged with a teacher at any time during the year.

Schoology Use 2022-2023

Every class will have an updated Schoology Course for the 2022-2023 school year. On the Schoology Course, teachers will post daily work, updates, homework, and information needed for the class. Your child will learn how to access all of this information at school and you are invited to join the Schoology Courses for your child as well.


August 29th- Class Assignments posted on the Parent Portal.

September 7th- First Day of School

September 9th- Dater Spirit Day- Wear your Dater Gear to School

September 13th- Dater Back To School Night 7pm to 9pm (Adult Program)

More Dates to Come!