Wei-Ting Hsiao

Ph.D. candidate
Colorado State University

I am Wei-Ting Hsiao (蕭維廷), a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University advised by Dr. Eric Maloney. I received my M.S. at the current institution, and received my B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences at National Taiwan University at Taipei, Taiwan, where I was born and raised. 

My research interest covers tropical meteorology and climate change, and I like to think about multi-scale interactions in the tropical atmosphere. My ongoing research involves examining how cloud-radiative feedbacks support the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO). Themes of my previous works include: tropical mesoscale convective organization and associated cloud-radiative feedbacks; tropical intraseasonal variability in a changing climate; tropical cloud-radiative feedbacks in response to extratropical forcings; how tropical variability affects S2S precipitation forecast skills in an operational weather model.

Passionate about education, I became a teaching assistant of an undergraduate class, the Science of Climate Change, where I assisted in developing course content and gave lectures. I was also involved in various volunteered teaching activities for the K-12 students in Taiwan, including those for the underprivileged.

In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, reading, writing, and listening to indie music. In particular, I have a taste for shoegaze, math rock, and Mandarin/Taiwanese folk rock.