Band Handbook


Hello and welcome to the band program! I am very excited to have this opportunity to work with your children. Music and the arts are such an important, vital part of our world. They allow us to develop and express the creative, aesthetic side of ourselves. This is why music education is so important. It is one of the many necessary areas children must be given the opportunity to explore in order to help them develop into full, complete, well-rounded adults.


Students taking instruments will be given a grade on their report cards. They will be graded on three criteria and given a 1-4 for each category. The first one states that students must understand their role and responsibilities as performing and listening musicians. This includes things like having all of their required materials (i.e. instrument, all music, folder or binder, practice sheet), participating in class and being respectful.

The second is that students show continual growth of skills and concepts. Students do not have to reach specific playing levels at specific times. As long as they are practicing for the required amount of time at home they will improve and do well.

The third states that students must actively engage in classroom activities. This includes things like playing when asked, answering questions, paying attention and doing their best to understand all new concepts taught.

If a student is sick or goes on vacation they are excused from practicing for that period of time. However, being busy or having a large amount of homework from their classroom teacher are not acceptable excuses for not practicing the required amount of time. Being successful and having fun in band depends a great deal on quality practicing almost every day.

Lesson Schedules

Every student will be assigned to a lesson group that will meet once every four days on the A, B, C, D day schedule.

Making the Band

All students have group lessons, but are not automatically in band. Students must work diligently to reach a specific playing level determined by the teacher in order to play in band. There is no specified date by which students must meet this requirement. I will always continue to work with students to encourage and teach them to the best of my ability to help them improve. The band rehearses before school. Parents must provide transportation for their children to all band practices once they pass their band test.

Select Band

Select band is an advanced group for students who have made band and are in need of more of a challenge. Students must audition for the select band with a piece of music determined by the teacher. All select band students will continue to play in band also. It is not required that a student make select band.

Home Practice

Practicing at home is an essential part of the success of any music program. Students should practice every day, including weekends, with one day off per week for 10-15 minutes each day. Please keep in mind, these are just the minimum amounts of time I would suggest. The more quality time a student puts in, the more they will get out of it. In addition, there will be a practice chart that each student must get signed by their parents/guardians each week before coming to lessons. Please be involved with your child’s musical development. Children do much better and enjoy playing so much more when their parents/guardians are involved and spur them on to practice!

Discipline Policy

The Three Strike Rule

Individual Strikes

Strike One – Warning

Strike Two – Temporary loss of playing privilege & removal from group for five minutes

Strike Three – Go back to class & phone call home

Band Strikes

Strike One – Warning

Strike Two – Temporary loss of playing privilege & sit quietly for five minutes

Strike Three – Put instruments away & sit quietly for remainder of rehearsal

Most people are familiar with the three strike rule in baseball. I have found that modifying that system for use in a classroom discipline model is a highly effective way to help students follow the rules. It is easy to remember and very understandable for everyone. One strike three does not mean that a student can no longer participate in band. However, if a student repeatedly is getting three strikes a meeting will need to be arranged between the parent, student, and the band teacher to assess whether they should be allowed to continue participating in the instrumental program.

Quitting Band

Despite everyone's best efforts, sometimes a student will decide that they do not wish to continue playing in band. If this happens I must be notified either by e-mail, voice mail, note, or in person as soon as possible if a student is quitting. It is very difficult to create effective lesson plans if I do not know who is playing and who is not playing. Also, if a student quits in fourth grade, they cannot start another instrument until the beginning of fifth grade. If a student quits in fifth grade, they will not be able to play in band in school again. They will be too far behind and it will be impossible to get them caught up.

Playing an instrument is a lot of fun, but it does require a great amount of time and energy to learn. This is especially true when you are a beginner. Please encourage your child to stick with it. Most of the time if you can get a student over the initial frustration they really enjoy it and improve rapidly!

Renting vs. Buying

The school only has an extremely limited number of instruments for student use. Most students will need to obtain their own instruments. Sometimes children switch instruments or drop out initially. Renting is a less expensive alternative to buying for the short term. If your child is very serious about playing and is going to continue through high school, then I would suggest buying an instrument. Either one of the two stores listed will be able to provide you with your child’s instrument and book. If you are going to purchase an instrument for your child, please consult either myself or a qualified music instructor for advice before you buy. Not all instruments are created equal and purchasing a low quality instrument can be very detrimental to a student's playing. Please do not play the instrument until the first lesson. I will show you everything you need to know. If you try it on your own you might develop bad habits or damage the instrument. Please try to have your instrument by the beginning of school.

We will be using the method book entitled “Tradition of Excellence” by Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin. Please purchase a copy of book 1 for your instrument. Listed below is the contact information for Music & Arts Center, Alto Music, Robbie’s Music as well as my contact information at school. I hope this information is helpful to you and thank you again for choosing to participate in the band program!

Mr. Stopek

Band Teacher

Montebello – 357-4466 x22018

(e-mail preferred if possible)