
Benvenuti... Welcome!

I hope you had an enjoyable summer and are looking forward to a great school year!

When we are not in class, you can find me in room 209 (World Language Office) when I am not in the classroom. Please feel free to email anytime:
I am almost always in room 234 at least at the beginning and end of lunch if you want to come find me for extra help, with questions, or to make an appointment. You can also stop by and say hi or chat in Italian! :)

What to expect in class

You will hear and speak mostly in Italian during class. However, formal lessons on new topics and clarification of instructions will be in English. Class is a place to learn and improve. It not expected that you produce flawless Italian, but instead that make a sincere effort to try use the language to the best of your ability. The more of an effort you make, the more proficient you will become in the four skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking.

The best way to learn a foreign language is through practice. That being said, it is of utmost importance to stay on top of everything covered in class. Rote homework assignments are not the norm. In lieu of this, you will be expected to demonstrate your skills on the current topic at any point through speaking, written and other assignments. You should review your class notes every night to prepare.

Suggestions for improving the skills:

To improve your skills, you can watch movies and videos on Youtube, listen to songs, read newspapers and articles online. Try to have fun speaking the language with friends outside of class. Remember, the more effort you put into learning the language, the easier and faster it will come to you.

Italian class expectations 2021-22
Success with language