Home Learning Week 6 - wb 11.5.20

On this page, you will find: the weekly plan and slides for each subject for the children to complete. This will ensure children are still learning during this difficult time. We understand that you may need some support, or have questions. If you do, you can email us on: year1team@raglanschools.org and we will aim to get back to you as soon as we can.

We would like to thank you in advance for your continued support and hope that you all stay safe and well.

Year 1 Team.

New this week: A new Picassco Art Challenge from Ms Ashall can be found on this page.

A Beano comic has been added to the Reading for Pleasure page.

Raglan says 'Hello'!

We miss you all! Keep safe.

From Year 1 Team

Weekly Plan - Please look at these for the outline of daily activities to be completed. All resources needed will be below on slides and split into subjects.

Year 1 Planning Week 6
Year 1 Reading - Week 6


Here are the reading slides.

There are slides for each day.

Yr 1 Phonics - Week 6


Here are the phonics slides.

There are slides for each day, which include phonemes and tricky words.

Yr 1 Writing Unit - Week 6


Here are the Literacy slides. There are slides for each day.

Some tasks are to be carried out verbally while others may require your child to write in their home learning book.

Maths Week 6 Slides (Yr1)


Here are the Maths slides. There are slides for each day.

Some tasks will be carried out on the computer, some in home learning books and some are practical.

Geography Summer 1 home learning.pdf


Here is the topic plan.

Some of these tasks can be completed in your home learning book and others are practical.

Geography - Weather Summer 1

Weather Chart

The Weather Chart slides include discussion questions for the end of the week after you have completed your weekly weather chart.

Science Year 1 Summer 1.pdf


Here is the science plan.

Some of these tasks can be completed in your home learning book and others are practical.

Identification sheet.docx

Task 5 - Common British Plants

Have you seen any of these plants when you have been out for a walk, in the park or in your garden? You print this out and tick the ones you have seen or write a list in your book and draw them.


Mrs Ashall has come up with some great suggestions for art activities at home. Please send your finished pictures to Ms Ashall at art@raglanschools.org

Visit the Art & Design at Home page here

Picasso Challenge 1 KS1/EYFS

Picasso Challenge 1

Picasso Challenge 2: Kitchen Clutter

Picasso Challenge 2

Picasso Challenge 3

Picasso Challenge 3



Here are some musical activities to keep you busy whilst you are home learning. Enjoy all of the fun activities and don't forget to fill in the google form when you have completed the work. Thank you, Miss Hart and Mrs Campaniello.

Raglan Active

This site is created by the PE Team and is all about keeping you ACTIVE! Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we will be releasing a Raglan Active Video full of challenges and games for you do at home!


Other ways to stay active

BBC Supermover videos link being active and learning. The 2x table is a particular favourite among year 1 children!


ScreenRecording_03-24-2020 12-34-02.mp4


If you have an ipad then you will be able to download and use Scratch Junior at home. Watch the screen recording to get some tips on how to download and explore coding within Scratch Jr at home.

Useful websites and links


Maths: All log ins are stuck in the front of the home school books


  • Phonics play -https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
    • Phonics play is a website that all children are familar with and enjoy. All games are now free using the following log in details.
        • username: march20
        • password: home
  • Reading eggs - www.readingeggs.co.uk/access4all
    • This link will allow you to a 30 day free trial. Reading Eggs is a website which will further develop reading and phonics at home.

Here is a letter that has information about MyMaths and Numberbots.

MyMaths Letter to parents - KS1