Useful Websites to Explore

Here are some Art and Design websites with a range of activities for children to explore while you are at home. 

place to be

The Art Room at Place 2 Be

At Place2Be we believe that art is a creative tool to develop resilience and connect with others. Our Art Room team are specialists in using art to support and enhance children and young people’s wellbeing. During the lockdown period, the team created a series of free projects for primary aged children to make at home or school together with parents, carers or teachers.

The creative projects can help adults and children to nurture their relationship whilst having fun making art together. Each project offers space to explore an engaging theme through stories, art and conversation. The activities provided can be adapted to a range of settings with children of different abilities and ages.

The aim of these projects is to encourage children to create something they want to make. We hope their creativity can be celebrated and social and emotional wellbeing strengthened through this process.

google arts and culture

Google Arts and Culture

The Google Arts and Culture website has an extensive collection of activites to explore from interactive experiences such as 'Take a Picture With Frida Kahlo's Monkey' to exploring museums such as The National Gallery from home. 

There are virtual museums and galleries from all over the world including The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Palace of Versailles in France and the Acropilis in Greece.There are also experiements to try, artists to research, sections about different media and techniques, historical movements and figures and art movements to learn more about. 

Whatever aspects of Art and Design and Culture you are interesed in, you will find something here to enjoy with many games, experiences and activities to try...

tate kids

Tate Kids

At Tate Kids there are lots of fun activities for primary aged children to explore at home from making to exploring art to games and quizes.

There is a making section where you can be inspired and create artwork such as drawings, sculpture, paintings, cut and paste, photos, colouring in and performance art. For example you can 'Paint Like Turner', 'Play With Collage', 'Make a Unicorn Puppet' or 'Draw a Sound Creature'...

The Games and Quizes section includes quizes such as 'What Art Animal Are You?' or 'Which Artist Should Design Your Bedroom?' and games such as 'Street Art'  and 'Tate Paint'.

In the Explore section you can go on an art adventure to discover famous artists such as Salvador Dali and Lubaina Himid or watch videos such as '5 Women Artists' Stories'.

bbc bitesize

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize has lots of interesting short videos about art and artists if you want to broaden your general knowledge.

On the KS1 and KS2 Subjects pages there are topics such as Disciplines (drawing, painting etc), Visual and Tactile Elements (colours and shapes), Media and Materials (paper, textiles, paint etc) and Inspiration and Investigation (artists and art history). 

In each section there are a range of videos for children such as 'Aboriginal Wildlife Paintings', 'Brazilian Carnival Costumes', 'L.S.Lowry in his own words', '3D map making' and 'Life and Works of Antoni Gaudi'.