We have a broad skill set that can assist your organization address all sorts of challenges. We are keen analysts, incisive thinkers, and tell-it-like-it is communicators.

Key Services

Curriculum & Program Publishers

We have years of experience working with schools and large districts in selecting and implementing curriculum programs and other resources. We can help you understand the process by which schools select curriculums and programs (including schools in large districts, like those of Philadelphia). That way, you can improve your program's chances of being purchased.

Other Learning Organizations

Trained mixed-methods researchers can help improve outcomes in your organization. We are trained to review complex sets of data and identify themes that enable productive action.

See this case study in the Harvard Business Review. In sum, a large beverage company didn't understand the reasons behind declining sales. Even armed with large sets of quantitative data, they couldn't discern patterns that would enable organizational change. Trained ethnographic researchers, as are we, gathered data to understand why sales were declining and helped the company implement programs that dramatically improved outcomes.