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The Importance of Movement and Manipulatives

by Joshua A. Taton, Ph.D. | November 10, 2023 | 1 min read

Ugh. Want to know something that hurts me, physically? Walking into a classroom and seeing students, silent and unmoving during a math lesson.

In my experience, as time marches on, this is happening more and more in mathematics.

I see students who are bored, stressed, and closed-out of their own learning. Stifled by broken policies, broken systems, and, frankly, uninformed system leaders.

Some math curriculum programs follow the research. For instance, in practicing fluency, some programs offer students a "movement break." Movement not only changes the level of energy in the classroom, but it follows the cognitive science on the mind-body connection in learning.

But teachers need support in using these programs! 

All too often, I see school leaders discouraging the use of research-based practices, because they simply don't understand the research or they think that the outdated and disproven model of "skill-based" reinforcement is the way to go. All too often, teachers aren’t provided any meaningful, humane, teacher-centered coaching or other support. (Simply use an online search engine to see how much "prep" or think time teachers in the U.S. are allotted each day.) 

Such programs also tend encourage the use of manipulatives as physical tools for problem-solving. And, more often than not, schools fail to purchase and replenish the manipulative kits!

Let’s change this! Speak up about the problem, it’s causes, and reach out for support in transforming the narrative.

Need Help?

I am ready, willing, and able to help your school or system adopt research-based changes to your curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices. If you want to see deep and meaningful change, including renewed excitement about mathematics instruction or learning in your building, please contact me for a consultation.