Angeludi's ePortfolio

Hi everyone! Welcome to my 2021-22 AP Research ePortfolio. My personal abstract and video presentation with some background information about myself are below. Please enjoy the other materials in this ePortfolio as well!

My Abstract

Hello everyone! My name is Angeludi Asaah and I am a senior at Radford High School. I have lived in Hawaii for almost five years and have attended Radford for all four years. When I am not running the hills of the Aliamanu Military Reservation or at my NSA internship, I am at Radford. I am a dedicated member of the National Honor Society and Legacy Club (a community-volunteering club at RHS). Since freshman year, I have been a member of the Lady Rams Varsity Basketball team and, since my junior year, the captain.

In the future, I am interested in exploring how people from Africa and underprivileged communities in the U.S. use technology to improve their lives. This interest was inspired by my current research, which explores the experiences of high school students in the context of select public schools on the island of O’ahu where race and racism are complex. Matters of race and racism have been widely studied in high schools across the United States; however, the racial experiences of high school students in Hawaii have been less examined. This investigation will be conducted through a questionnaire and survey completed by fifty students, in-depth semi-structured interviews with ten students, and an analysis of participants’ posts on social media platforms.

AAsaah_I'd Like You to Meet_APR_08/10/21