Take Back Your Career

It's never too late to get unstuck and get moving. 

Sound Familiar?

Burned Out

Are you so burned out that even your burnout is exhausted? 


When you try to think about what to do next, do you just shut down mentally? 


Feel like your career is caught in a dead-end loop, and you just can't figure out why? 

Imagine Instead Feeling...


Waking up before your alarm even goes off, because you’re so excited about the week ahead. 


Singing along with the radio on your way home from work -  not wanting to cry. 


Gazing out at the gorgeous day between calls and thinking about everything you got done today. 

I get it.

Hi, I’m Rachel. 

I’ve been where you are many times - burned out, unhappy, and stuck. I’ve changed careers (and jobs) countless times, and fought my way out of the mire of burnout and stagnation. 

It took a long time for me to figure it out myself, though, and I know there are a lot of people out there like I was - which is what led me to start this business. I want to help you get unstuck and end the cycle of burnout and unhappiness that you feel trapped in, because I know that if you're willing to put in the work, you can find what you're searching for.

I’m a recovering theatre professor. Now I have a life I love and that loves me back, but this was not the me Rachel met. I worked myself to illness in places that didn’t pour into me the way I did them. I finally let Rachel work her magic on what I thought was a skill set no one needed, but now, I feel confident and capable! I’m really glad I finally listened and put her observations into action! 

Shannon Ivey (she/her/hers), MFA AEA PCC

Escape the Career Cul-de-Sac! 

Look, I know you're an extremely capable person. 

And I also know you're feeling like you've exhausted most (if not all) of your resources and still haven't solved this on your own. You're not alone. But there's hope

Let's fix this! 

Escape the Career Cul-de-Sac is a 1-hour, personalized, one-on-one session with me where you'll discover: