Jacqueline Marinaro - The Order of the Fallen - Book Blitz

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Date Published: Jan. 24, 2022

Publisher: Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.

Achaiah knew the dangers of falling to earth for the love of his human, Nev. When Nev falls for her guardian angel, Achaiah, she is unaware of the danger that their love puts her in. That's why fallen angels have one rule: Never fall in love with a human.

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Jacqueline Marinaro began her career as a therapist and college educator. Graduate school couldn’t stamp out her love of creative writing, however. Much to the chagrin of her husband, graduate school also only furthered her ability to constantly ask, “how does that make you feel?” Jacqueline lives in Florida with her wonderful husband and sweet little boy, where she enjoys the beach, reading, writing, and of course delving into the feelings of everyone she meets.

Contact Links

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/authorjmarinaro

Purchase Links

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Order-Fallen-Jacqueline-Marinaro/dp/1954978359/

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-order-of-the-fallen-jacqueline-marinaro/1140967841?ean=9781954978355

Publisher: https://jancarolpublishing.square.site/s/order?shipping=true&item=75

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