Love on All Hallows’ Eve

Author: Martha Wickham


Date Published: August 18, 2021

On All Hallows Eve Terra meets Bobby. He pretends to be a monster while dating her. When she finds out they break up. He and his friend fear her because she is a monster and they kidnap her. Bobby becomes just another Frankenstein, so she sees a psychic when she is haunted by him and his friend Tim. That is when she moves back into her old mansion from the 1800's she was raised in. Fearing more ghosts will haunt her while she lives in her old place she stumbles upon Roses Crystal Shop where they do psychic readings. Rose, the owner, gets caught up in the zombie trouble when her husband is bitten by one.

Guiding Terra through her ghost troubles she discovers the truth about her husband’s attack. Mourning the death of her husband Rusty Terra makes a promise she cannot keep. Will she get rid of the machine that brought Frankenstein to life? It is the source of all her troubles. Can she let go of what brought her to life?

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