J. E. Irvin - Carrion - Virtual Book Tour

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A Byrd & Crowe Mystery Series, Book 1

Mystery / Suspense

Date Published: 10-15-2022

Publisher: New Atlantian Library

A young woman with a questionable past…

A family struggling to find common ground…

A murder victim with no known enemies…

Determined to overcome the dark secrets she helped reveal three years ago when she rescued a baby from a locked car and ran away, Xandra Byrd is now a student in criminology at the local community college and an accepted part of her biological family. Still, she struggles to escape the demons of her dysfunctional childhood. But when the woman who helped put her family back together is murdered, and she and her brother implicated in the crime, Xandra must return to the dark side of human nature in search of a killer. Will she solve the mystery and clear her name, or will she become the next victim?

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Virtual Book Tour - January 2 - January 20

January 2 - RABT Book Tours - Kick Off

January 3 - Nana's Book Reviews - Spotlight

January 4 - Book Reviews by Virginia Lee - Spotlight

January 5 - The Faerie Review - Spotlight

January 6 - Momma and Her Stories - Excerpt

January 7 - Our Town Book Reviews - Spotlight

January 9 - Book Junkiez - Excerpt

January 10 - The Avid Reader - Interview

January 11 - Momma Says to Read or Not to Read - Spotlight

January 12 - The Indie Express - Review

January 13 - Book Corner News and Reviews - Spotlight

January 14 - Sapphyria's Book Blog - Spotlight

January 16 - On a Reading Bender - Review

January 17 - Books Blog - Spotlight

January 18 - Texas Book Nook - Review

January 19 - Novel News Network - Review

January 20 - RABT Reviews - Wrap Up

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J.E. Irvin is the author of five mystery/thriller novels, a two-time winner of the Whodunit Award, and a member of SistersinCrime, Central Ohio Fiction Writers, Buckeye Crime Writers, and the Ohio Writers Association. Irvin, her husband, and their two cats reside on the edge of a nature park which serves as inspiration for her work. For more about the author, check out www.janetirvin.com and sign up for her newsletter as well as updates on future Byrd& Crowe mysteries.

Contact Links

Website: http://www.janetirvin.com

Facebook: https://facebook.com/janeteirvin

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JEIrvinauthor

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14684341.J_E_Irvin

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/jeirvin

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