Date & Time

  • Saturday, 19 November 2022, 13:00-17:10 (Access starts from 12:45)

  • Sunday, 20 November 2022, 10:00-17:30 (Access starts from 9:45)

Hybrid meeting


In-person meeting: 1st floor, Tokubetsu-Kaigishitsu, Hitotsubashi Hall, Chiyoda campus of Hitotsubashi University

Online meeting: Zoom meeting


Japanese (Sessions 1, 2, and 5) / English (Sessions 3 and 4)

We allow the audience to ask questions or make comments in Japanese (one of us will translate them for you, if necessary).

Eligible participants

University professors/graduate students and economists at private/public sectors or central banks are welcome to join the conference.

If you are not one of the above, please contact us at the email below. The secretariat will contact you individually about whether or not you can participate. 

Please be noted that we may ask those who would like to join the face-to-face meeting to participate online, due to limited capacity of the venue.

Registration Form

Registration form is available here.

Deadline for registration

Tuesday, 15th November, 12:00 p.m. (Japan Time) Registration is closed.

Participation for only one day is also possible.

Approved participants will receive information to join the conference in advance.


Program is available here. [Updated 11/4/2022]

Part of the content of the program may change.

Session format

Paper presentation (20 minutes), discussant’s comments (20 minutes), and general discussion (30 minutes).


  • Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER)

  • Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University

  • Faculty of Economics, Keio University

  • Center for Advanced Research in Finance, University of Tokyo

  • Research Center for Economic and Social Risks, Hitotsubashi University