Art For Thought

This project is developed by the Museum of Art & Photography in collaboration with UnBox Cultural Futures Society.

Art for Thought is a set of creative exercises in English and Kannada that bring together art and themes of mental health care, with the aim to gently aid exploration into the ways we relate to ourselves, our bodies and our surroundings. 

How do you feel while reading a book? Does time slow down as you intimately explore a whole new world? Do you feel the emotions of the characters in the story? Do you circle words that touch you? Do you scribble thoughts that inspire you along the edge of the page to leave a memento for the next reader or perhaps as a note for yourself to come back to? Do you immerse yourself completely in a conversation with the book? 

Art for Thought is a collection of mindful learning exercises that brings together art and mental health with the aim to non-confrontationally guide self-reflection and self-care while engaging with artworks from the MAP and Wellcome collections. It is packaged as a box experience that opens up thought-provoking avenues to explore your inner self, body and environment - inviting you to ponder, imagine and create.

To make Art for Thought accessible to many more in the city, the exercises have been translated into Kannada, available as a free mental health resource in collective spaces.

Art for Thought will launch at the opening of the 'Mindcapes: In the company of others' exhibition at MAP on 20 April 2023.

Project Team:

MAP & UnBox Cultural Futures Society

Concept: Elizabeth Mathew, Arnika Ahldag, Shilpa Vijayakrishnan, Rohan Patankar, Aparajita Bhasin

With support from: 


Exhibitions: Vaishnavi Kambadur, Rhea Sokhanda, Vineet Kajrolkar, Riya Kumar, Arshad Hakim

Education and Outreach: Kinjal Babaria, Shubhasree Purkayastha, Sandhya A

Collections: Madhura Wairkar, Himani Bajaj, Rucha Vibhute, Khushi Bansal, Prachi Gupta, Annie Fastina, Shreya Chitre, Patricia Trinidade

Communications: Shaina Jagtiani, Krittika Kumari, Nayantara Bharteeya

Development: Carolina Artegiani, Shraddha Jadhav

UnBox Cultural Futures Society -

Shantanu Pandit

Ritika Khinvasara

Special thanks to: 

Vaibhav Dutt, Fields of View

Angela Saward, Holly Peel, & colleagues, Wellcome Collection

Champaca Bookstore

Indian Institute for Human Settlements

State Central Library

Department of Public Libraries

Mindscapes Bangalore cohort

Every individual who participated in our facilitated pilot tests and generously shared their feedback

The exercises have been reviewed by: 

Nidhi Khurana, Expressive Arts Therapist 

Pallavi Chander, Creative Arts Therapist 

Proofreading by: Janani Ganesan

Kannada translation: Preethi Nagaraj

Design by: Sanket Jadia

Printing: Mosco Prints India Pvt. Ltd.