University of Al-Qadisiyah - College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Nabel Kadum Abd-Ali

Professor, Ph.D.

Mechanical Engineering/ Applied Mechanics


  • University of Technology, Iraq, Ph.D., 2013.

  • Academic of Higher Study University, Libya, M.Sc., 2007.

  • Al-Mustansiryah University, Iraq, B.Sc., 1994.


Academic Positions:

  • Director of the Technical Unit of the Advisory Office - University of al-Qadisiyah.

  • Associate Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs, College of Engineering, University of al-Qadisiyah, (2/7/2013 – 28/7/2015).

  • Head of Human Resources, University of al-Qadisiyah, Iraq. (29/7/2015 and 25/3/2018)


  • Strength of Material.

  • Engineering Material.


Research interests

Mechanical behavior of materials, polymers and alternative materials, composites, rubber technology, applied mechanics and properties of materials, waste management.


  • 1. Biometric Recognition System "Finger Print and Face Recognition, 9th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering, STA'2008-IRM-329, pages 1-11, Academic Publication Center of Tunis, Tunisia. (IEEE)

  • 2. Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Engineering Management, 9th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering, STA'2008-SSI-403, pages 1-9, Academic Publication Center of Tunis, Tunisia. (IEEE)

  • 3. Prediction Slurry Reactor Design under Uncertainty Using CFD Model. Kufa Journal of Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, 2010.


  • 4. The Effect of Rubber Filled With Carbon Black in Design of Truck Tires

  • Sidewall Recipe. Eng. &Tech. Journal, Vol.31, No.2, 2013.


  • 5. An Experimental Study of The Effect of The Type of Carbon Black In The Design of Truck Tire Sidewall Recipe. 3rd International Scientific Conference of Technical college, Najf, paper No.4.

  • 6. The Flexing Fatigue Properties of Filled Rubbery Compounds under Constant and Variable Amplitude Loading,JKAU:Eng. Sci.,Vol. 24 No.2, pp: 57-79,2013.


  • 7. Deterioration the Properties of Contaminated Natural Rubber with Some Species of Microorganisms, Industrial Engineering Letter, journal of natural sciences research, Vol.4, No.4, 2014.


  • 8. A Review Study of Mechanical Fatigue Testing Methods for Small-Scale Metal Materials, Industrial Engineering Letter, Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Vol.5, No.1, 2015.


  • 9. Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Gear Teeth Numbers For Six-Speed Lepelletier Automatic Transmission, Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2015.


  • 10. Experimental Investigation of Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a Diesel Engine with Scrap Tires Rubber Oil Blended Diesel Fuel, Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Engineering Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2016.


  • 11. Diaphragm Actuator Design with New Rubber Compounds, Muthanna Journal For Engineering And Technology (MJET), (2016).


  • DOI: 10.18081/mjet/2016-4/81-87.

  • 12. Effect of Fiber Orientation Angles on Mechanical Behavior of Car Bumper Composite, Kufa Journal of Engineering,Vol.7, No.3,October 2016, P.P.27-37 #


  • 13. Improvement of mechanical and rheological properties of natural rubber for anti-vibration applications, Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.13, No.1,pp.20-27, 2017. #


  • 14. The Effect of Shape Factor on The Operation Periods of Anti-Vibration Rubber, Industrial Engineering Letter (IEL), journal of natural sciences research, Vol.7, No.1, 2017. #


  • 15. A New Reinforcement Material for Rubber Compounds (Sediment Dust Nanoparticles and White Cement), The 1st International Scientific Conference of Engineering Sciences and the 3rd Scientific Conference of Engineering Sciences (ISCES), College of Engineering, University of Diyala.978-1-5386-1498-3/18/31.00$©2018 IEEE, (Scopus-IEEE).#


  • DOI: 10.1109/ISCES.2018.8340547

  • 16. Development the Performance of the Rubbery Discharge Part in Flexo-Pump System, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, (Scopus), Vol.13, Issue 24, Page No.: 10148-10157, 2018. #

  • DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2018.10148.10157

  • URL:

  • 17. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Factors That Affecting in Frictional Welding of Mild Steel and Al alloy A356, 2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE),(Uni. of Zakho-Duhok Polytechnic Uni.),IEEE,(Scopus-IEEE), 9-11 Oct. 2018. #


  • DOI: 10.1109/ICOASE.2018.8548940

  • 18. The Effect of Cure Activator Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on the Mechanical Behavior of Polyisoprene Rubber, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), Vol. 15, No. 3(2020), 2051-206. (Scopus+Clarivate)#


  • 19. Biosynthesis of Zinc Oxide nanoparticle in presence of red onion extract.

  • Plant Archives, Volume 20 No. 2, 2020, pp. 7854-7856.


  • 20. Investigation of Mechanical Properties for Unsaturated Polyester-Based Fibre Glass Composites Filled by Recycled Milled Composites. 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1094 (2021) 012129,

  • Doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1094/1/012129


  • 21. Improvement of Mechanical Properties of the Rubbery Part in Cement Packing System /I Using New Rubber Materials, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), Vol. 16, Issus 2, April 2021). (Scopus + Clarivate)


  • 22. Structural Analysis of Functionally Graded Material Using Sigmioadal and Power Law, Diagnostyka, 2021, Vol. 22, No. 4. (Scopus).

  • DOI:


  • 23. The Effect of Adding Nanoparticles on the Mechanical Properties of Acrylic Removable Denture, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), accepted for Vol. 17, Issus 4, August 2022). (Scopus + Clarivate).

  • 24. Performance Characteristics of Some Rubber Recipes Reinforced with Scrap Fibers and Crumb Rubber, International Conference on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and considered for publication in (AIP Conference proceeding). Accepted, ID 221 ,2022, (Scopus).

  • 25. Investigation of Mechanical Behavior of Industrial Waste Reinforced Rubber Composites, the conference proceedings in the 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICEAT 2022), AIP Conference proceeding), Accepted, ID321,2022, (Scopus).

  • 26. Evaluation of Rubber Matrix Composites Reinforced with Recycled Industrial Waste, the conference procee dings in the 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICEAT 2022), AIP Conference proceeding), Accepted, ID213,2022, (Scopus).

  • 27. The Dynamic Response of Doubly Curved Shell Under Effect of Environment Sustainable Temperature, 1st International Conference on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, Accepted, AIP Publishing.


  • Preparation of effective nanoparticles of magnesium oxides from the water extract of the leaves, No. 6294. Date: 19/08/2020, 4, C01F5/04. #

  • Hydraulic Tire for Energy Harvesting, No. 7024. Date: 05/01/2022, 4, B60B19/00.

  • Preparation Filler and Alternative Material from Recycle Waste GRP Composites from Polyester Risen to Improve Polymer Characterization with Economic and Environmental Goals. 21/02/2022