The vision of the Department of English at the College of Education in the University of Al-Qadisyiah resides in working to assert itself as a rigorous teaching and research institution in order to be recognized for its innovation and excellence among its counterparts locally and internationally. The department also seeks to support our country with graduates who are well qualified to work in diverse fields,  particularly,  in the area of teaching English as a foreign language through using up-to-date trends, methodologies and technologies.                                


Enhancing the university’s thrive to have a recognizable status locally and internationally, the major mission of the department of English is to create academic values and strategies that rely on premier professional and academic standards in terms of promoting the personal growth, academic integrity, trust and gratification given to our staff and students. The department endeavours to locate its work within the academic domain of using the best technologies in teaching English across the world that would achieve the paramount outcomes in creative teaching of the basic branches of language, literature and linguistics. A basic component of our department’s mission is to enable our students to use English creatively and masterfully to enhance their investigative and research skills. Ultimately, the department seeks to provide a supportive teaching and educative milieu in order to create productive individuals in our community. 


  The department aims at :

1. Creating qualified  graduates in  teaching all the disciplines of English language.

2. Enhancing the language competence so that the students would make use of English to develop their academic level and be engaged in other branches of knowledge.

3. Developing a number of transferable skills such as conceptual, literacy and communication skills. 

4. Enabling the students to master using linguistics and its sub-branches applications and relations to other disciplines. 

5. Enabling the students to know the vatious genres of English literature in the historical, cultural and artistic context. 

6. Developing  the students’ skills in speaking and reading English making use of this aspect for further development educationally, socially and culturally.