WELCOME: Christ REnews His Parish



Thank you for taking the time to read about Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP). We hope that you will prayerfully consider attending the next CRHP weekend. 



What is Christ Renews His Parish?

Most who experience Christ Renews His Parish come to recognize it NOT as “one more thing to do” but as a source of energy to help in all those “things that have to be done.” “Renewal” is truly the appropriate word for this process.

Christ Renews His Parish is now recommended by the renewal office of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

It’s an incredible experience that will help you discover what’s missing in your life and what to do about it. Whether you want to get to know others in the parish, improve your prayer life, or take a break from the craziness of your every day to re-focus, have fun and not have to cook or clean, you will find what you are looking for—and more.

During the weekend you will listen to presenters speak about the power of Jesus Christ in their lives and you will have the opportunity to participate in discussions. There will be readings of scripture, time for prayer, Mass, and time set aside for personal reflection.

Experiences shared during the weekend is confidential.

What Happens on the Weekend?

The weekend enables you to hear and discuss how Catholics function in our modern, complex, fast-paced society. The renewal weekend provides an atmosphere for individual spiritual growth through prayer and personal reflection. You can share conversation and thoughts (as much or as little as you’d like) with others during the weekend who, like you, also encounter the many demands of everyday life presented by family, jobs and society. The information you choose to share is kept in complete confidence. Mass will be celebrated during the weekend and the opportunity for reconciliation will be provided.

What Christ Renews His Parish is NOT

When & Where is the Weekend Held?

The weekend is held on the Queen of Peace Catholic Community Campus. Meals will be provided. This retreat weekend is at NO COST TO YOU!

A team made up of a parish priest or deacon and people who have attended previous weekends conduct the weekend.

The retreat begins Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon. (No overnights).

Listen to what CRHP Means to Mark!

  The weekend is an opportunity to say "YES" to a clearer and deeper relationship with God.