
Grades Pre-K 3 through 8th grade have music one class period per week. The Music curriculum of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is designed to broaden a student's general knowledge of basic musical skills and concepts at all levels of elementary education. Through participation in the music program, students are lead in a deeper appreciation of liturgy, ethnic cultures, and musical styles. Music holds a prominent place in the spectrum of Arts and is of paramount importance in the development of the whole child.

Early childhood students learn music by singing and listening to different songs and through using body movement. We learn traditional songs as well as new ones. We also play small percussion instruments. We have lots of fun!

Early elementary students continue to learn music by singing and listening to music and body movement. We also explore playing classroom percussion instruments in a variety of ways. in addition, we start to learn about the Fundamentals of Music.

Elementary students learn how to play classroom percussion instruments, read music, sing new songs, learn about composers, play the recorder, and explore basic keyboard skills.

Middle School students learn about classical composers, the orchestra, sacred music, patriotic music, as well as rock and roll. They learn about Music History and explore composing music. They learn about the beginning of Jazz in America and how it has evolved as well as the development of classical music history from the Renaissance period to the present.

The eighth graders lead the school in the Christmas Pageant, Spring Concert and the Grandparent’s Day Show.

In addition to music class, students have the opportunity to join Chorus, sing in a liturgy group at First Friday Mass, sing at our Veteran’s Day Mass, play an instrument in the band program, and perform in our school-wide Christmas pageant and Grandparents Day Show.

Music assignments are ALWAYS posted on Google Classroom. One assignment may be a project that we work on for several weeks so there may not be a new assignment every week.

Students (Grades 4th through 8th) and parents should look regularly for any missing assignments on OPTION C.