
INSET - 6th July 2018

Focus: Teaching and Learning


8:00 - 8:30: Breakfast served in the foyer

8:30 - 8:45: Introduction - Hall

8:45 - 10:15: Keynote Speaker - Alistair Smith

10:15 - 10:30: Break - Tea and Coffee in the foyer

10:30 - 11:15: Breakout session 1

  1. Google Basic (GAJ QM) - M22
  2. Google Basic (SAH QM) - M21
  3. Google Basic (GRY QM) - M23
  4. Google Advanced (NOA QM) - V1
  5. Google Advanced (TAY QM) - V2
  6. SMART Training - (SMART) - M1
  7. Toolkit for interventions (DA students and attendance) DST (Ruislip) - A1

11:20 - 12:05: Breakout session 2

  1. Data Accountability- (JOH) - A1
  2. Revision Strategies for A level - (COH Ruislip) - V1
  3. Stretch and Challenge - (MOR/GRN QM) - M1
  4. Mental Health - (Dominy Roe from Transform) - V4
  5. SEN and Teaching Strategies - (RHI Ruislip) - A5
  6. Engagement of disadvantaged students (pastoral and classroom strategies) - (TSM/MHI) - A3
  7. Stretch and Challenge for 6th Form (MUT/CUL QM) - A4
  8. QM New Staff Induction (NOS QM) - A2

12:05 - 12:45: Lunch served in the canteen

12:45 - 14:45: Department and Pastoral Time - Departments meet with corresponding department from each school. There is a set agenda to discuss all key stages. Department Heads will liaise to see how best to use the time effectively.

14:45: INSET day finishes