Penn Yan Middle School

8th Grade

8th Grade Schedule at a Glance

Welcome to the Penn Yan Middle School and 8th Grade page. On this website you will find information from the 8th Grade Team of teachers. Each subject has their own page and that can be found on the menu at the top of this page.

All of our teachers have email and would love to hear from you. Each email is listed below the schedule for the upcoming week. Feel free to sign up for the "PYMS 8th Grade" Remind class to be notified of the weekly schedule, as well as other important messages throughout the school year.


8th Grade Schedule at a Glance

Contact Us:

Social Studies: Mrs. Gerhardt

Science: Mrs. Moore

Math: Mrs. Reinhart or Mr. Wigden

English Language Arts: Mrs. Kenney or Mr. VanHarken

Technology: Mr. Durocher

Physical Education/Health: Mrs. Mackercher or Mrs. Curbeau

French: Mrs. Garvey

Spanish: Miss. Prine

Music: Ms. Rhodes or Mrs. Leonard or Mrs. Ingerick