After Indian Independence


Step 1: Read the background information and then watch the

Background Information:

In the years after Gandhi's death, Indian resistance to British rule intensified. But without Gandhi's leadership, divisions among India's two major religious groups (Hindus and Muslims) also intensified. Divisions between the Indian National Congress (made up of mostly Hindus) and the Muslim League (made up of Muslims) continued to grow. And the Muslim League stated that it would never accept Indian indepdence if it meant rule by the Hindu-dominated Congress Party.

After WWII the British decided to leave India. In doing so they created two states one for the Muslims (Pakistan) and one for the Hindus (India). The borders were quickly drawn, with many criticisms coming from both the Hindus and the Muslims. Conflict between the two new countries soon followed. A lot of the conflict has occurred at the northern border between the two counties, a disputed territory called the Kashmir.

Video detailing the conflict between Pakistan and India