Post Louis XVI

Directions: Watch the video and read the text, then complete the tasks in your webquest.

21st January 1793 Louis XVI executed for high treason.mp4

Anarchy within, invasion from without. A country cracking from outside pressure, disintegrating from internal strain. Revolution is at its height. War. Inflation. Hunger. Fear. Hate. Sabotage. Fanaticism. Hopes. Boundless idealism . . . and the dread that all the gains of the Revolution would be lost. And the faith that if they won, they would bring Liberty, Equality, Fraternity to the world.

—R. R. Palmer, Twelve Who Ruled

Following the execution of King Louis XVI, the National Convention argued about how the country should be run and how the war should be fought. Two groups emerged: The Jacobins and the Girondins.


“We must suspend free speech and liberty so we can win the war. Otherwise, there will be nothing left to defend.”


“We must preserve the ideals of free speech and liberty at all costs. Otherwise, the French Revolution is not worth fighting for.”