GATE Information

General Description of GATE programs in a non-GATE magnet Middle School in PYLUSD

Something you should know about GATE is that in elementary school GATE is a definite class, i.e. students are grouped by whether they are a GATE student or not. Middle School is a transitional setting for all students. This is especially true for GATE students. Here at BYMS, students are placed in classes not strictly because they are GATE, but based on that criteria in addition to their grades, test scores, and 6th grade teacher’s recommendation. That means that some GATE students will be in honors classes and some will not. As a result, do not expect teachers to be speaking to/about GATE students as such. We will likely be using phrases such as "General Ed. class" or "this is an honors class", but NOT "this is a GATE class". If a student wants a full/100% GATE experience in Middle School, then they would have to attend Kramer Middle School, which is our districts GATE Magnet. In High School the GATE designation disappears. The GATE designation will no longer influences a student’s placement once they enter high school.