Unit 9: Social Psychology

Modules 74-80 (753-820)


The Reading Study Guide is posted below. Use any or all of them (or use a note taking strategy of your own design) to help you better understand what you are reading. Please read ALL modules by the dates posted on the calendar or by the end of the unit, and review them at the end of the unit and several times before the test in May.

Student-generated notes will be checked for credit for this unit. A COMPLETED set of Reading Notes (or an equivalent) will be required ON DAY of THAT EXAM of anyone planning to complete test corrections. For more info, please see "A Note about Taking Notes" on the home page.

Useful Links

AP Psych Unit 9 - Social Psychology terms on Quizlet

Below are are some social psych offerings from Hank Green and the folks at Crash Course. When you watch them, you get to take them in at your speed or replay them ad nauseam if you like. When terms don't line up, defer to the Myers' definitions we have on Quizlet. 

Social Psychology Review (30 min) from Tim Steadman’s “Get Psyched with Tim Steadman” 

Andy Luttrell’s Social Psychology - An Assistant Professor of Psychological Science at Ball State University (Indiana) explains such important concepts in Social Psych as attribution and fundamental attribution error, cognitive dissonance theory, mere exposure effect and deindividuation.

Harvard University's Project Implicit seeks to reveal your hidden Implicit Attitudes with its series of Implicit Attitude Tests - each one takes about 5-7 minutes and does require a standard computer key board.

Here's the story (in part) about Harry Harlow - Creature Comforts: The Power Of Touch And Affection In Our Lives. Hidden Brain with Shankar Vedantam April 10, 2017

U9 Study Guide and Executive Summary 2020.pdf
APU9 Reading Study Guide Modules 74-80 2020.pdf
M74: d, e, a; M75: b, d, e, d; M76: a, d, b, d; M77: a, e, c, e, b; M78: c, d, a; M79: b, e, a, d; M80: c, d, e, a
APU9 Mod 74 - Attribution, Attitudes, Actions.pdf