Why Pyes Pā?

Why is Pyes Pā the School of choice?

Pyes Pā School is a semi-rural school located on the outskirts of Tauranga. It is the members of the community that make Pyes Pā School special. Our children are country kids with passion and enthusiasm for life. They are keen to enjoy and explore the world around them. Pyes Pā children are leaders, team players and accepting and supportive of each other. They are well-rounded individuals who are academically capable, physically active and socially adept. By the time they leave for college, our students are confident young people, well prepared for the next stage of learning and equipped for active, successful participation in all aspects of life.

We recognise and encourage our students to be active learners.  Our school programmes are shaped to include rich learning experiences.  These include cutting-edge digital learning, information and communication technology, Junior School Discovery time, a comprehensive technology programme for Year 7-8 students, individualised special needs support programmes and a strong engagement in educational experiences outside the classroom with camps and educational visits. Senior students from Years 6-8 are also  encouraged to take on leadership roles within the school, culminating in specific leadership development opportunities for Year 8 students including Leadership Camp and Young Leader’s Day. We also have strong, active sporting and cultural links with other rural and city schools in and around Tauranga.

We foster a variety of learning experiences at Pyes Pā School, including itinerant extra curricular classes, i.e. dance, guitar, and sporting opportunities. These learning experiences are enhanced by the great facilities at Pyes Pā including our specialist Environmental Arts Centre, native bush walk, access to the local river, school hall, and solar heated swimming pool.

We offer:

The Pyes Pā School community is enthusiastically involved in school life. The Board of Trustees, PTA, staff, parents, families/whānau and wider community members take an active and enthusiastic interest in the welfare and wellbeing of children and the wider life of the school.  We have clear links to the extended Pyes Pā community and the annual Calf Club Day is a highlight of the year. We have a strong relationship with Akeake and Huria Marae along with our iwi, Ngāti Ranginui. The school is not an island, we are actively part of the community.

School Information

School Prospectus 2019