Use of Cameras Toolkit
Uso de Cámaras - Kit de Herramientas

Over the period of a few weeks in the Fall semester of 2020/21, Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, Superintendent of Schools, held student, family and staff focus groups and forums to gather information and seek solutions that would support increased student engagement, participation and learning. The creation of this Parent Camera Toolkit resource page is one of the results from these focus groups.

(Teachers can access the Teacher Toolkit here).

Use of Cameras Toolkit (English)


Google Meet Backgrounds- This video shows how to change your background with the built-in Google Meet backgrounds feature
Organizing for at Home Learning- This video offers tips on time management for students during distance learning
Your Learning Space- This video discusses tips on how to set up an effective at-home learning space for distance learning

Durante un período de unas pocas semanas durante el semestre de otoño del 202/21, la Dra. Michelle Rodríguez, Superintendente de Escuelas, organizó foros y grupos de enfoque para estudiantes, familias y personal para recopilar información y buscar soluciones que respaldarían una mayor participación y aprendizaje de los estudiantes. La creación de esta página de recursos de Kit de herramientas sobre el uso de cámara para padres es uno de los resultados de estos grupos de enfoque.

Uso de Cámaras - Kit de Herramientas (Español)