A brief breakdown of your Senior Year...

**Keep in mind 

SAT & ACT tests are OPTIONAL**

You will NOT be penalized if you decide not to take these exams, but if you decide to take them it can help your application. 

Tour colleges on your spare time!

Links for Applications

Opens October 1st & closes November 30th

Opens August 1st & Closes November 30th

Open all year round 

Varies on the private

Opens October 1st & closes March 2nd

Opens October 1st & closes March 2nd


 Make sure to have ALL your college and financial aid applications revised BEFORE you submit!

Need help with College & Financial Aid Apps?

We are here to help! Schedule a meeting Alex or one of our interns at your earliest convenience! 


Compare all the schools you applied too and see which one offers a better award letter!

Award Letter Comparison Worksheet