
Hello Parents of Speech and Language Students!

We made it through another school year. Despite it being a very unusual school year, I hope your child continued to make growth in good communication skills! Your home and everyday life is filled with speech and language opportunities, so keep using a rich vocabulary, modeling slow careful articulation of speech sounds, and praising your child for their communication attempts!

Here are the focuses for speech and language this week, June 1-5… and through the summer! Please review the worksheets I’ve previously sent to help your child continue practicing good speech and language this summer.


Review the previously sent articulation word sheets for practice opportunities. Incorporate the words into turn taking for board games, bean bag or ball tossing.

Read: Continue practicing clear speech sounds while reading aloud each day.


Practice: Take turns describing an activity using slow, easy speech while taking your turn. Utilize the techniques that help your child the most: slowing speech rate, envisioning the words “like clouds, floating into each other,” and breathing into the words. Help your child learn to monitor when he/she needs to utilize the special techniques that help most.


Let’s think about the function of items around us. This helps your child organize language, develop categories of objects in their minds, and use more descriptive language to describe things. Check out the attached worksheet, and then develop it further on your own!

Please only use what you feel is appropriate for your child, and only what is realistic for your child to complete! I hope you have a wonderful summer!

Wishing you all the best,

Mrs. Hagood

Speech and Language Therapist