Artificial Intelligence

 The Future of Education is HERE!

AI Resources for Education

This website is a repository of Artificial Intelligence information and resources for Pedagogy and Educators to use freely.

Teachers' Too! This website is dedicated to showing you how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can work for you as a classroom teacher. Before you read more, though, here are a few important things to remember:

 AI can never replace your passion, creativity, or relationships. YOU are your students’ most important resource. AI is a great time saver, but you always need to double-check it. It’s not always correct, but it is a great way to get started.

 AI is NOT district supported at this time, so you cannot use anything that requires your students to create an account. The sites shared in this newsletter are ones you might like to try as a teacher. They are not approved by the district for use with students.



AI for Educators Overview 🐰
🍄 click on the clock for an adventure

AI and the Future of Education - The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology’s new policy report, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations, addresses the clear need for sharing knowledge, engaging educators, and refining technology plans and policies for artificial intelligence (AI) use in education. The report describes AI as a rapidly advancing set of technologies for recognizing patterns in data and automating actions and guides educators in understanding what these emerging technologies can do to advance educational goals—while evaluating and limiting key risks. 

AI Policies for School Districts

44-Page Booklet: 40 Proven AI Prompts for Educators 

10 Ways to Design Dynamic Assignments for Authentic Learning 

Template  for Artificial Intelligence Policy For Your Organization 

Handling Text-Generating AI Systems A Guide for Action 

Smart Journal Mega Prompt 

Writing Good Prompts

Play Are You Smarter Than ChaGPT

Demystifying AI for Educators

AI Toolkit Policy Guidance for Schools

These are repositories of tools/apps for AI in Education curated for teachers.

AI generated course writer. Build lesson plans and whole courses in seconds.

Today’s students are tomorrow’s innovators. While the impact of Emerging Technologies like AI is undeniable, the degree to which it influences and prepares youth currently depends on a variety of factors such as country, gender and age. Thus, even though AI is everywhere, the opportunity to benefit from it and shape it is not.

The next generation of innovators needs the right skills and resources to understand what AI is, how it is designed, and why it is important in today’s digital world. Otherwise, the digital skills gap will only increase and further hurt economies and society. Moreover, many young people don’t yet fully grasp the key role they can play in shaping AI. Hence, it is essential to demystify and democratize AI for the next generation of innovators in an inclusive way, irrespective of gender, ethnicity or location.

Providing them the opportunity to learn AI skills and apply them responsibly to design any solution is an important key to building long-term competitiveness.

AI Sandbox Collaborative Slides