Ms. Feinberg's History

Welcome to Ms. Feinberg's 6th and 7th grade history classes! You can find all your assignments on the class level pages.

Hi Guys,

Welcome to DISTANCE LEARNING. What a strange and bizarre time this has been morphing into. I hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy. I miss all of you so much. Hopefully, working on History assignments will be fun, a little entertaining and a happy distraction to the craziness going on in the world right now.

As I am sure you have heard it's time for us to continue learning but from my home to yours :) So on Monday, March 30th I will post our first lesson.

For our virtual classroom, I will be following the format we have been using all year possibly using power point slide presentations, vocabulary intro, lesson readings, and possibly a processing task. All information from me will be pushed out through Google Classroom. I will be posting two lessons a week one on Monday morning and one on Wednesday morning. On the lessons, there will be a To-Do list at the beginning of each Google Slideshow. When individual assignments are posted, remember that you have to Make A Copy. (When you select the link, go to File, then Make a Copy and it is now yours.) You may type on it and then "Turn In" in the appropriate Google Classroom folder. Please do not 'Share' with me, as I will get 150 emails that are hard to keep track of. Turning them into the folders, will assure that I get them in a timely manner. I will be leaving feedback on your weekly assignments, so please look for my comments.

Please feel free to reach out to me via email or during my 'Office hours' which will be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from from 11:00-11:30 for 7th Graders, and 11:30-12:00 for all 6th graders via Zoom. . I will place a code and password in Google Classroom, and if you wish to chat, share what's going on, or ask me History questions I will be available for you. I look forward to seeing you on the Zoom's a really fun and cool way to interact with each other.

I will also be regularly checking my email throughout the workday between 8-3 pm. If you would prefer a call from me, please email me a telephone number and a few times that would work well for you to chat.

Try to stay healthy, happy and positive during this crisis...we will all get through this together. That being said, please be patient with me as I navigate this online learning component. I really do miss each and every one of you, and I hope we get to resume classroom learning at MVS on May 4. Wouldn't that be nice?

Take care, virtual hugs and fist bumps,

Ms. Feinberg

P.S. Google Classroom codes are located on the ACTIVATION CODES tab under MORE at the top of this page. But you are all enrolled in the class so I doubt you need the code.

I also want to add PVSD's Distance Learning Protocols. These are guidelines for students and parents