Welcome to the Agriculture Specialist High Skills Major page for Aquinas Catholic Secondary School.

St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School

260 Angeline St S Lindsay, On

Contact: Peter Bagnall  pbagnall@pvnccdsb.on.ca 

Unique SHSM

St. Thomas Aquinas is excited to offer a unique SHSM to our community.  This specialized program allows students to experience learning activities in the Agriculture Sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). This opportunity for students occurs in their grade 11 and 12 years.

The SHSM program is a practical and effective way to provide students with skills and Agriculture Sector training that assist in the transition of students from secondary school to apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace.

The Agriculture Sector is a growing and rewarding career area and includes fields of work in: 

• Blacksmith

• Farm Equipment Technician 

• Horse Groom 

• Agricultural Equipment and Supplies Technical


• Farmer and Farm Manager

• Technical Sales Specialist

• Veterinary Equipment and Supplies Salesperson

• Winery and Viticulture Technician

• Agricultural Chemist 

• Agricultural Inspector 

• Agronomist 

• Chemical Engineer 

• Mechanical Engineer 

• Soil Scientist

• Veterinarian

• General Farm Worker 

• Greenhouse Worker

• Pet Groomer and Animal Care Worker 

At graduation, students who complete the SHSM requirements receive a special diploma with a red seal as well as a records card that outlines all of the sector recognized training and certifications that the student has gained in the Agriculture Sector.

Some fun music videos