
Here at Cactus View we are a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. As Jackrabbits we expect the student's to follow their HOPS which stands for Having respect, Outstanding character, Personal responsibility, and Safe choices. When your child is showing any of these 4 areas they will earn a HOPS card. They can earn a HOPS card in our classroom, in special areas, hallways, lunch, or even recess. The HOPS cards will go into our classroom box. If your child gets a HOPS card, they have many opportunities to earn a special acknowledgement!! The more HOPS cards they earn the more chances they have to have their name drawn.

Every Friday: I will pull 5 cards for an acknowledgment.

Every Tuesday: Mrs. Cameron will pull a name from each grade level.

December & May: ONE student will earn a bigger acknowledgement that they get to take home and keep for themselves!!

Our HOPS Pledge

Our HOPS Behavior Matrix

Think Sheets

Think Sheets are to be used as a tool for students to pause and reflect on their actions. Once a student has been given at least one warning and they have not changed the behavior, your child may be given a think sheet. This think sheet may be filled out in our classroom or in a “buddy classroom” if a change in location is more helpful. Think Sheets will be signed by the student, teacher, and the parent once taken home. Below is an example of what the 'Think Sheet' looks like.