Class Information

Welcome to Math at Pinnacle Peak Preparatory! Here is an overview of the class to ensure a successful and strong start to your school year!

Communication: The best way to communicate with Ms. Bigelow is through email ( or you can call the school at 602-449-6700, and leave a message.

Materials: Everyday you will need to have the following materials in your possession.

Absent Policy: It is your responsibility to make-up work that was missed during your absence. You will have two days to complete the missed assignments or a late penalty might be assessed. You can find the missed assignments on the Weekly Agenda and in Google Classroom. This should be the place to find out what needs to be made up from your absence.

Assignments: You will be assigned work in Google Classroom and on the Class Agenda. Please use both of these resources to help you be successful in this class. I use these digital tools for assignments, links, and various resources (worksheets and answer keys). Assignments will be started during class, but if it isn't done, then it will need to be finished on your own time. It is due on time to receive full credit. Assigned work is worth part of your grade! You are expected to do all work because this is where you will learn. Try before you ask for help. Try your best! It's okay to make mistakes on assignments; that's how we learn! Remember, you need to show your work on all assignments and it will be calculated into your assignment grade. "No work, No Credit." You are allowed to do missing assignments until the day of the Unit Test, but for a reduced point value.

Assessments/Tests: These will be given throughout the year. Sometimes there will be an opportunity for retakes or test corrections, but not always. Do not count on another chance to show me what you know.


7th Grade Math will be based on 60% Tests and 40% Assignments

Pre-Algebra will be base on 70% Tests and 30% Assignments

Algebra will be based on 80% Tests and 20% Assignments each quarter. Algebra is also a high school semester class so each quarter is worth 40% and the final exam is worth 20% (Q1 40% + Q2 40% + Final 20%).

Class Expectations: (You can't unsay a cruel thing. Think before you speak!)

Calculators: A calculator will be used periodically in this class. Students can use the one on the chrome book, or the Texas Instrument calculators are the preferred ones.

Summary: Ms. Bigelow uses the Class Agenda daily and posts the agenda on her website. Students can use these tools to help themselves and can use pvlearners to correspond with Ms. Bigelow.

Ms. Bigelow has reviewed these expectations with students, and they should fully understand them. It is now up to them to make positive choices for this school year. They must hold themselves accountable for their own choices and take responsibility for their actions. They are in control of themselves!