Swim & Dive
Horizon Swim & Dive homepage!
Horizon Swim & Dive homepage!
Have fun new photos from this year? Send to kshillingburg@pvschools.net
SCHEDULE - Click Here
Swim: schedule alternates between the following, check the schedule for more information:
Typically 3:00-4:30pm, but check calendar for details
Roadrunner Pool - 3502 E Cactus Rd Phenix, AZ 85032
Melrose Paradise Recreation Club - 11424 N 30th St Phoenix AZ 85028 (see map)
In October, we shift from Roadrunner to Melrose (heat)
ALWAYS: 3:30-5 PM
PV Pool - 17648 N 40th St Phoenix, AZ 85032
2022 End of Season Slide Show!